Born 1936, USSR
Died 2018
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Станислав Сергеевич ГОВОРУХИН
Filmography (extracts)
2015 - The End of a beautiful epoch (Конец прекрасной эпохи) [fiction, 95 mn]
2013 - Weekend (Weekend / Уик-энд) [fiction, 95 mn]
2010 - Jazz Style (В стиле jazz) [fiction, 90 mn]
2008 - The Passenger (Пассажирка) [fiction, 90 mn]
2007 - The Actress (Артистка) [fiction, 95 mn]
2005 - Not by Bread Alone (Не хлебом единым) [fiction, 112 mn]
2003 - Bless the Woman (Благословите женщину) [fiction, 114 mn]
1999 - The Rifleman Of The Voroshilov Regiment (Ворошиловский стрелок) [fiction, 95 mn]
1994 - The Great Criminal Revolution (Великая криминальная революция) [documentary]
1992 - Russia We Lost (Россия, которую мы потеряли) [documentary, 113 mn]
1990 - You Can’t Live Like That (Так жить нельзя) [documentary, 115 mn]
1989 - Champagne Splashes (Брызги шампанского) [fiction, 99 mn]
1987 - Ten Little Niggers (Десять негритят) [fiction, 130 mn]
1981 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (Приключения Тома Сойера и Гекльберри Финна) [fiction, serial, full length film]
1979 - The Meeting Place Can't Be Changed (Место встречи изменить нельзя) [362 mn]
1977 - Veter "Nadezhdy" (Ветер "Надежды") [fiction]
1974 - Contraband (Контрабанда) [fiction, 88 mn]
1972 - Zhizn i udivitelnye prikliuchenya Robinsona Kruzo (Жизнь и удивительные приключения Робинзона Крузо) [fiction, 92 mn]
1970 - Belyy vzryv (Белый взрыв) [fiction]
1968 - The Patron Saint Day (День ангела) [fiction, 85 mn]
1966 - Vertical (Вертикаль) [fiction, 73 mn]
1964 - The Chemist's wife (Аптекарша) [fiction, 22 mn]
2018 - To Paris (На Париж!) from Sergey SARKISOV [fiction]
2015 - The End of a beautiful epoch (Конец прекрасной эпохи) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 95 mn]
2013 - Weekend (Weekend / Уик-энд) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 95 mn]
2010 - Jazz Style (В стиле jazz) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 90 mn]
2008 - The Passenger (Пассажирка) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 90 mn]
2003 - Bless the Woman (Благословите женщину) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 114 mn]
2000 - The Captain's Daughter (Русский бунт) from Aleksandr PROSHKIN [fiction, 128 mn]
1999 - The Rifleman Of The Voroshilov Regiment (Ворошиловский стрелок) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 95 mn]
1994 - Katya Ismaylova (Подмосковные вечера) from Valery TODOROVSKY [fiction, 96 mn]
1992 - Russia We Lost (Россия, которую мы потеряли) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [documentary, 113 mn]
1990 - You Can’t Live Like That (Так жить нельзя) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [documentary, 115 mn]
1989 - Champagne Splashes (Брызги шампанского) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 99 mn]
1979 - Pirates of the 20Th century (Пираты ХХ века) from Boris DUROV [fiction, 83 mn]
1964 - The Chemist's wife (Аптекарша) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 22 mn]
2005 - 9th Company (9 рота) from Fyodor BONDARCHUK [fiction, 130 mn]
2003 - Bless the Woman (Благословите женщину) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 114 mn]
2002 - Radosti i pechali Malenkovo Lorda (Радости и печали маленького лорда) from Ivan POPOV [fiction, 90 mn]
1995 - Heads and Tails (Орел и решка) from Georgi DANELIYA [fiction, 87 mn]
1992 - Encore, Once More Encore (Анкор, еще анкор !) from Piotr TODOROVSKY [fiction, 101 mn]
1990 - Sons of Bitches (Сукины дети) from Leonid FILATOV [fiction, 97 mn]
1990 - You Can’t Live Like That (Так жить нельзя) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [documentary, 115 mn]
1987 - Asa (Асса) from Sergey SOLOVYOV [fiction, 153 mn]
1983 - Among Grey Stones (Среди Серых Камней) from Kira MURATOVA [fiction, 88 mn]
1982 - Bozvrashchenie Batterflyay (Возвращение Баттерфляй) from Oleg FIALKO [fiction, 93 mn]
2019 - The End of season (Конец сезона) from Konstantin KHUDYAKOV [fiction, 95 mn]
2016 - Sdaiotsa dom so vsemi neudobstvami (Сдается дом со всеми неудобствами) from Vera STOROZHEVA [fiction, 90 mn]
2015 - The End of a beautiful epoch (Конец прекрасной эпохи) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 95 mn]
2014 - Mystery of the Dark Room (Тайна темной комнаты) from Olga BELYAEVA [fiction, 76 mn]
2013 - Weekend (Weekend / Уик-энд) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 95 mn]
2010 - Jazz Style (В стиле jazz) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 90 mn]
2008 - The Passenger (Пассажирка) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 90 mn]
Site : IMDb

Awards :
Prize for the contribution to Russian Cinema, Festival "Vivat Kino Rossii", Russia, 2012
The End of a beautiful epoch :
Best directing, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2016
Best directing, Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2016
Jazz Style :
First prize, Festival "Vivat Kino Rossii", St Petersburg (Russia), 2011
Audience Award, "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival ''A Window to Europe'', Vyborg (Russia), 2010
The Passenger :
Special Jury prize, Festival ''Cinema and literature'', Gatchina (Russia), 2009
First prize, International Film Festival of the Commonwealth Countries "Moscow Premiere", Moscow (Russia), 2008
The Actress :
Best film, Festival ''Cinema and literature'', Gatchina (Russia), 2008
Audience Award, Festival ''Cinema and literature'', Gatchina (Russia), 2008
The Passenger :
Audience Award, "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival ''A Window to Europe'', Vyborg (Russia), 2008
The Actress :
Audience Award, "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival ''A Window to Europe'', Vyborg (Russia), 2007
First prize, International Film Festival of the Commonwealth Countries "Moscow Premiere", Moscow (Russia), 2007
Not by Bread Alone :
Audience Award, "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival ''A Window to Europe'', Vyborg (Russia), 2005
Bless the Woman :
Prix du public au Festival Pacific Meridian, 2003
Premier prix au Festival Automne de l'Amour (Амурская осень), 2004
Prix spécial au festival "Litterature et cinéma" à Gatchina, 2004
The Patron Saint Day :
Prix de la meilleure image au Festival du Caucase et de l’Ukraine à Kiev, 1969
Not by Bread Alone :
Grand prix (Tour d'or) au Festival "Une fenêtre sur l'Europe" de Vyborg, 2005

Stanislav Sergeyevich Govorukhin born March 29, 1936, near Perm.
He started his career as a geologist in 1958. He then joined a television studio in Kazan and enrolled at the VGIK in 1961
During the Soviet period, Govorukhin became noted for his successful TV adaptations of adolescent classics, including Robinson Crusoe 1973, Adventures of Tom Sawyer 1981, In Search of the Castaways 1983, and Desyat Negrityat an adaptation of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None in 1987. He also directed two movies starring Vladimir Vysotsky - Vertical 1967 and The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed 1979, one of the cult films of the late Soviet era.
Govorukhin has been a member of the State Duma since its inauguration in 1993, running the Duma culture committee for some time.
He died on june 14th 2018

- Dix personnages masculins du cinéma soviétique inoubliables Alexandra GOUZEVA, 2024, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Douze films soviétiques sur le sport que vous pouvez regarder en ligne Anna POPOVA, 2024, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Huit adaptations soviétiques d’œuvres américaines à regarder gratuitement en ligne Anna POPOVA, 2024, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Les dix meilleurs films policiers d’URSS à voir gratuitement en ligne Alexandra GOUZEVA, 2024, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Il ne faut jamais changer le lieu d'un rendez-vous (1979) User Reviews [Critiques du film 38 rue Petrovka, 1979, Stanislav GOVOROUKHINE] 2023, IMDb
- Dix grands films russes et soviétiques des années 1990 Ekaterina SINELCHTCHIKOVA, 2023, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Les dix plus grandes séries soviétiques Alexandra GOUZEVA, 2023, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Les dix plus grands films soviétiques des années 1980 2023, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Рецензии : Место встречи изменить нельзя [Critiques du film 38 rue Petrovka, 1979, Stanislav GOVOROUKHINE] 2022, Kinopoisk
- Quand le cinéma soviétique puisait son inspiration dans les lettres françaises Maria SOKOLOVSKAIA, 2022, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Quand les villes d'URSS représentaient l’Occident dans les films soviétiques Alexandra GOUZEVA, 2022, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Les six meilleurs films et séries soviétiques de détectives, d'espionnage et d'aventure Nikolaï CHEVTCHENKO, 2021, RUSSIA BEYOND
- RUSSIA BEYOND : Dix chefs-d’œuvre d'adaptation cinématographique russo-soviétiques inspirés de romans européens Boris EGOROV, 2019, RUSSIA BEYOND
- 10 лучших советских фильмов о спорте и спортсменах 2018,
- 12 films d'horreur cultes russes Daria DONINA, 2012,
- 13 лучших песен из советских фильмов, которые стали народными хитами [13 meilleures chansons de films soviétiques qui sont devenues des succès populaires] 2012, Afisha
- Stanislav Govorukhin: Jazz Style (V stile “Jazz”, 2010) , Muireann MAGUIRE, 2012,
- Stanislav Govorukhin : The Passenger (Passazhirka, 2008) , Elise THORSEN, 2010,
- Stanislav Govorukhin : The Actress (Artistka, 2007) 2008,
- Stanislav Govorukhin : Not by Bread Alone (Ne khlebom edinym, 2005) , Stephen NORRIS, 2006,
- Stanislav Govorukhin: Bless the Woman (Blagoslovite zhenshchinu) (2003) , Seth GRAHAM, 2004,