A black comedy, screen version of the play of the same title by the Presnyakov
In order to earn money, the university graduate Valia takes up a job with the
police, where he plays crime victims in reconstructions of events for the
investigation. Every day the team of investigators, including the charismatic
captain, the officer Liuda who is armed with a video-camera, and a dumb
sergeant, take defendants to crime scenes and reconstruct the tragedy that
occurred. In each event additional madness comes into play from the criminals:
one has thrown his wife out of a window, the second has drowned his beloved
in a pool, the third ñ for no reason whatsoever ñ shot at his former
schoolmate in a Japanese restaurant... Clearly, all these ìinvestigationsî are
carried out only to adhere to the procedures, because the outcome of each case
is well known in advance: the criminal will be convicted. This premise creates a
slight absurdity.
Source : www.kinotavr.ru