Alexandre SOKUROV
Александр СОКУРОВ
Alexandre SOKOUROV
USSR, 1988, 133mn 
Colour, fiction
The Days of Eclipse
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Дни затмения


 Les Jours de l'éclipse

 Dni zatmenia

Directed by : Alexandre SOKUROV ( Александр СОКУРОВ)
Writing credits : Yuri ARABOV (Юрий АРАБОВ), Boris STRUGATSKY (Борис СТРУГАЦКИЙ), Arkadi STRUGATSKY (Аркадий СТРУГАЦКИЙ)
Kirill DUDKIN (Кирилл ДУДКИН)
Eskender UMAROV (Эскендер УМАРОВ)
Vladimir ZAMANSKY (Владимир ЗАМАНСКИЙ)
Cinematography : Sergey YURIZDITSKY (Сергей ЮРИЗДИЦКИЙ)
Production design : Yelena AMSHINSKAYA (Елена АМШИНСКАЯ)
Music : Yuri KHANIN (Юрий ХАНИН)
Sound : Vladimir PERSOV (Владимир ПЕРСОВ)
Editing : Leda SEMENOVA (Ледa СЕМЕНОВА)
Production : Lenfilm
format : 35 mm
Sites : Page Allociné, page IMDb
Release date in France : 1992-11-25, Site

Awards :
Prix Felix de l'Académie européenne pour la musique, 1988
Prix de la meilleure image, Union des cinéastes de l'URSS, 1988

Plot synopsis
Loosely based on “A Billion Years Before the End of the World”, a story by Arkadi and Boris Strugatsky. The young doctor Dmitry Malyanov works in a provincial Middle Asian Town. The ancient exotics of the Orient has a fanciful way of coexisting with shabby urbanism, adding up to a special, ever contradictory world...
Source :

Из курса «Врач в кино» — Дни затмения Александра Сокурова, Алексей ВАСИЛЬЕВ,, 2020
« Journées d’éclipse » (Dni zatmeniya) de Alexandre Sokourov (1988), Art et «poïèsis», 2011
Le jour de l’éclipse (Дни Затмения )_ Alexandre Sokourov – 1988, Le Rectangle sonore, 2010

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Russian Film Festival For Another Russia, Paris (France), 2020
- Rétrospective Alexandre Sokourov Aix en Provence / Marseille, Aix en Provence (France), 2015
- Cycle Alexandre Sokourov au cinéma Grand Action, Paris (France), 2012
- Festival of Central and Eastern Film , Wiesbaden (Germany), 2012
- Alexandre Sokourov : des pages cachées, Paris (France), 2010
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2008
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2008
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2007
- Europalia Russia 2005, Brussels (Belgium), 2005
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2002
- Fall Festival 1998, Paris (France), 1998
- FEMA / La Rochelle International Film Festival, La Rochelle (France), 1993
- Release in France of the film, Different cities (France), 1992-11-25
- Berlin International Film Festival : Berlinale, Berlin (Germany), 1989
- "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 1988