Russia / Kazakhstan, 1995, 98mn 
Colour, fiction
American Daughter
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Американская дочь


 La Fille américaine

 Amerikanskaya doch

Directed by : Karen SHAKHNAZAROV (Карен ШАХНАЗАРОВ)
Writing credits : Aleksandr BORODIANSKY (Александр БОРОДЯНСКИЙ), Karen SHAKHNAZAROV (Карен ШАХНАЗАРОВ)
Vladimir MASHKOV (Владимир МАШКОВ)
Cinematography : Vladimir SHEVTSIK (Владимир ШЕВЦИК)
Production design : Devon DEBRI (Девон ДЕБРИ)
Music : Anatoli KROLL (Анатолий КРОЛЛ)
Sound : Igor MAIOROV (Игорь МАЙОРОВ)
Editing : Lidia MILIOTY (Лидия МИЛИОТИ)
Produced by : Boris GILLER (Борис ГИЛЛЕР)
Production : Kurier, Karavan, American distribution, Roskomkino
Sites : IMDb, Kinopoisk

Awards :
Prix spécial du jury au Festival de Shanghai, 1995

DVD with subtitles
Editor : Ruscico. 2000.
Langues : RU EN FR
Sous-titres :RU EN FR ES IT DE
Bonus :
- Interview de Karen Chakhnazarov
- Photos de tournage

Plot synopsis
The film’s protagonist, a musician at one of Moscow’s restaurants, flies to San Francisco in order to… kidnap his own daughter.In this film by Karen Shakhnazarov, Maria Shukshina and Vladimir Mashkov portray a divorced couple fighting for the possession of their only child. The wife deserted her husband and, together with their little daughter Anya (Allyson Whitbeck), secretly left Russia for San Francisco where she married a respectable American. The woman was fed up with her not too comfortable life with a musician playing at a Moscow restaurant. Four years later, the father arrives in America, just to see his beloved daughter. Following a touching reunion, the father and daughter decide to make a secret escape, the idea belonging entirely to the 11-year-old Anya who wouldn’t part with her daddy. And here starts their fascinating hitchhiking trip all over America, packed with comical situations and adventure…
Source : www.ruscico.com

К 60-летию Владимира Машкова о нем выйдет новый документальный фильм [Pour le 60e anniversaire de l'acteur Vladimir Machkov, un nouveau film documentaire sera diffusé sur lui], rg.ru, 2023
Reviews on Kinopoisk

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Festival "Vivat Kino Rossii", St Petersburg (Russia), 2024
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2019
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2012
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2010
- Days of the russian cinema in Tunisia, Tunis / Sousse / Hammamet (Tunisia), 2010
- Paris Russian Film Festival, Paris (France), 2009
- Sputnik nad Polska, Warsaw (Poland), 2009
- International Film Festival "Russian Film Out of Russia", Moscow (Russia), 2007
- Cairo International Film Festival, Cairo (Egypt), 2005
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2005
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 1995

Photos and videos