Russia, 2002, 97mn 
Colour, fiction
The Star
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Directed by : Nikolay LEBEDEV (Николай ЛЕБЕДЕВ)
Writing credits : Aleksandr BORODIANSKY (Александр БОРОДЯНСКИЙ), Evgeniy GRIGORYEV (Евгений ГРИГОРЬЕВ), Nikolay LEBEDEV (Николай ЛЕБЕДЕВ)
Aleksey KRAVCHENKO (Алексей КРАВЧЕНКО) ...sergent Anikanov
Aleksey PANIN (Алексей ПАНИН) ...Mamochkin
Igor PETRENKO (Игорь ПЕТРЕНКО) ...Volodya Travkin
Artiom SEMAKIN (Артем СЕМАКИН) ...Vorobyev
Yekaterina VULICHENKO (Екатерина ВУЛИЧЕНКО)
Cinematography : Yuri NEVSKY (Юрий НЕВСКИЙ)
Production design : Lyudmila KUSAKOVA (Людмила КУСАКОВА)
Music : Aleksey RYBNIKOV (Алексей РЫБНИКОВ)
Sound : Aleksandr POGOSIAN (Александр ПОГОСЯН)
Produced by : Aleksandr LITVINOV (Александр ЛИТВИНОВ), Karen SHAKHNAZAROV (Карен ШАХНАЗАРОВ)
Production : Mosfilm, Ark-Film
Release date in Russia : 06/05/2002
Site : IMDb

Awards :
Best Cinematography Yuri NEVSKY , Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2003
Best music Aleksey RYBNIKOV , Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2003
First prize Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2002
Best music Aleksey RYBNIKOV , Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2002
Best music Aleksey RYBNIKOV , "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2002
Discovery of the year Igor PETRENKO , "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2002

DVD with subtitles
Editor : Ruscico

Plot synopsis
Based on the story of E.Cazakevich. 1944. Great Patriotic war. The group of scouts - young guys from seventeen till twenty five years - is sent in rear of the enemy to specify available data on a grouping of the opponent. "Star" is their call-sign. They are gradually convinced, that the opponent secretly makes a serious regrouping of armies for resolute counterattack. They must supply the staff with this strategic information as soon as possible…
Source :

RUSSIA BEYOND: Loin des clichés: douze films criants de vérité sur le front de l’Est durant la guerre, Boris EGOROV, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2020
Le cinéma des années 1990-2000. Images dispersées, Françoise NAVAILH, Russie, peuples et civilisations, La découverte, 2005
The Star (2002)[Director: Nikolai Lebedev], NIX,, 2003

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- War in contemporary Russian cinema, (France), 2025
- Semaine du cinéma russe à la cinémathèque d'Alger, Algiers (Algeria), 2023
- Lorraine-Russie. Ciné club, Nancy (France), 2019
- Soirées du cinéma russe de Bordeaux, Bordeaux (France), 2017
- Russian Resurrection Film Festival, Different cities (Australia), 2015
- Russian film symposium. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (USA), 2015
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2010
- Saint Petersburg International Cine-Forum, St Petersburg (Russia), 2010
- Russian film festival in Sweden 'KinoRiurik', Stockholm (Sweden), 2010
- Days of the russian cinema in Tunisia, Tunis / Sousse / Hammamet (Tunisia), 2010
- "Go Russia". Focus on New Russian Cinema, Luxembourg (Luxembourg), 2009
- International Film Festival of Havana, Havana (Cuba), 2008
- Russian film festival in Sweden 'KinoRiurik', Stockholm (Sweden), 2007
- Russian film festival in Sweden 'KinoRiurik', Stockholm (Sweden), 2004
- Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2003
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2002
- "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2002
- Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2002
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2002

Photos and videos
Film avec sous-titres anglais