Production designer
Born 1893, Russia
Died 1953
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Всеволод Илларионович ПУДОВКИН
Filmography (extracts)
1952 - The Return of Vassily Bortnikov (Возвращение Василия Бортникова) [fiction, 82 mn]
1950 - Zhukovsky (Жуковский) [90 mn]
1948 - Three Meetings (Три встречи) [fiction, 83 mn]
1946 - Admiral Nakhimov (Адмирал Нахимов) [fiction, 93 mn]
1943 - In the Name of Motherland (Во имя Родины) [96 mn]
1942 - Killers Come Out on the Road (Убийцы выходят на дорогу) [fiction, 70 mn]
1940 - Suvorov (Суворов) [fiction, 108 mn]
1940 - 20 Years of Cinema (20 лет советского кино / Кино за 20 лет) [documentary, 89 mn]
1939 - Minin and Pozharsky (Минин и Пожарский) [fiction, 109 mn]
1938 - The Victory (Победа) [fiction, 85 mn]
1933 - The Deserter (Дезертир) [fiction, 103 mn]
1930 - A Simple Case (Простой случай) [fiction, 96 mn]
1928 - Chingiz-Khan’s Descendant / Heir of Ghengis Khan (Потомок Чингис-Хана) [fiction, 96 mn]
1927 - The End of St. Petersburg (Конец Санкт-Петербурга) [fiction, 74 mn]
1926 - Mother (Мать) [fiction, 66 mn]
1926 - Mechanics of the Brain (Механика головного мозга) [documentary, 79 mn]
1925 - Chess Fever (Шахматная горячка) [fiction, 28 mn]
1924 - Elder Vassily Gryaznov (Старец Василий Грязнов) [58 mn]
1921 - Golod_golod_golod (Голод …голод…голод)
1920 - V dni Borby (В дни борьбы)
1942 - Killers Come Out on the Road (Убийцы выходят на дорогу) from Vsevolod PUDOVKIN , Yuri TARICH [fiction, 70 mn]
1940 - 20 Years of Cinema (20 лет советского кино / Кино за 20 лет) from Vsevolod PUDOVKIN , Esfir SHUB [documentary, 89 mn]
1926 - Mechanics of the Brain (Механика головного мозга) from Vsevolod PUDOVKIN [documentary, 79 mn]
1925 - The Death Ray (Луч смерти) from Lev KULESHOV [fiction, 105 mn]
1921 - Golod_golod_golod (Голод …голод…голод)
1946 - Admiral Nakhimov (Адмирал Нахимов) from Vsevolod PUDOVKIN [fiction, 93 mn]
1945 - Ivan the Terrible, Part two (Иван Грозный (2-я серия)) from Sergey EISENSTEIN [fiction, 100 mn]
1944 - Ivan the Terrible, Part One (Иван Грозный (1-я серия)) from Sergey EISENSTEIN [fiction, 100 mn]
1942 - Young Fritz (Юный Фриц) from Grigori KOZINTSEV , Leonid TRAUBERG [fiction, 29 mn]
1929 - The Living Corpse (Живой труп) from Fyodor OZEP [fiction, 82 mn]
1929 - New Babylon (The) (Новый Вавилон) from Grigori KOZINTSEV , Leonid TRAUBERG [fiction, 95 mn]
1929 - The Gay Canary (Веселая канарейка) from Lev KULESHOV [fiction, 73 mn]
1927 - The End of St. Petersburg (Конец Санкт-Петербурга) from Vsevolod PUDOVKIN [fiction, 74 mn]
1926 - Mother (Мать) from Vsevolod PUDOVKIN [fiction, 66 mn]
1925 - The Death Ray (Луч смерти) from Lev KULESHOV [fiction, 105 mn]
1924 - Mr. West s Extraordinary Adventures in the Bolsheviks Land (Необычайные приключения мистера Веста в стране большевиков) from Lev KULESHOV [fiction, 95 mn]
Production designer
1925 - The Death Ray (Луч смерти) from Lev KULESHOV [fiction, 105 mn]
1924 - Mr. West s Extraordinary Adventures in the Bolsheviks Land (Необычайные приключения мистера Веста в стране большевиков) from Lev KULESHOV [fiction, 95 mn]
Sites : IMDb,

Awards :
Artiste du peuple de l’Union Soviétique (1948).
Admiral Nakhimov :
Diplôme d'honneur et Prix des meilleures scènes de foule au Festival de Venise, 1947
Prix Staline de premier degré attribué à Anatoli Golovnia, Alekseï Diki, Leonid Kniazev, Nikolaï Krioukov, Igor Loukovski, Vsevolod Poudovkine et Rouben Simonov.
Suvorov :
Prix Staline, degré I, à M. Doller, V. Poudovkine, A. Khanov, N. Tcherkassov, 1941

A student of engineering at Moscow University, Pudovkin saw active duty during World War I, being captured by the Germans. After the war, he abandoned his professional activity and joined the world of cinema, first as a screenwriter, actor and art director, and then as an assistant director to Lev Kuleshov.
After a few tries with advertising cinema, he directed in 1926 that which will be considered one of the masterpieces of silent movies: Mother, where he developed several montage theories that would make him famous.[...]

Commentaries and bibliography
- Dix grands films soviétiques des années 1920 (Vidéos) Eleonora GOLDMAN, 2023, RUSSIA BEYOND
- La guerre dans le cinéma soviétique Éric AUNOBLE, 2021,
- RUSSIA BEYOND : Les 5 meilleurs films muets soviétiques, reconnus comme des chefs-d’œuvre du cinéma mondial [Meilleurs films muets] Ekaterina SINELCHTCHIKOVA, 2020, RUSSIA BEYOND
- « Contribution à l'histoire du concept de montage » Kouléchov, Poudovkine, Vertov et Eisenstein Dominique CHATEAU, 2019, L'HARMATTAN
- 10 of Harvard University’s favorite Soviet and Russian films Alexandra GUZEVA, 2017, RUSSIA BEYOND
- 1926: Mother (Vsevolod Pudovkin) Cara Marisa DELEON, 2017,
- 1928: Storm Over Asia (Vsevolod Pudovkin) John MACKAY, 2017,
- Des territoires de projection : la représentation des confins dans le cinéma soviétique (1928-1968) Catherine GÉRY, 2016, Presses de l'Inalco
- La famille, lieu de la trahison (parcours littéraire et cinématographique en Russie et en URSS) Catherine GERY, 2016, Presses de l'Inalco
- Monumental Sculptures in Soviet Cinema of the 1920s , Yevgeni MARGOLIT, 2009, Kinokultura
- Storm over Asia , Amy SARGEANT, 2007, I.B. Tauris
- Review: Richard Taylor (ed.) (2006) Vsevolod Pudovkin: Selected Essays , Giuliano VIVALDI, 2007,
- Heir of Ghengis Khan [Потомок Чингиз-Хана] 2006,
- Vsevolod Pudovkin: Selected Essays , Richard TAYLOR, 2006, Seagull Books
- Retour de flammes [Restauration de films / La Fièvre des échecs de Vsevolod Poudovkine] Majordome, 2004,
- The End of St. Petersburg , Vance KEPLEY, 2003, I.B.Tauris
- Vsevolod Pudovkin : Classic Films of the Soviet Avant-Garde , Amy SARGEANT, 2000, I.B.Tauris
- Pudovkin and Pavlov's Dog , Amy SARGEANT, 1997, University of Bristol
- Les origines du cinéma soviétique : un regard neuf , Myriam TSIKOUNAS, 1992, Cerf
- Мать , N. GLAGOLEVA, 1975, Искусство
- Всеволод Пудовкин. Слово о Пудовкине. Летопись жизни. Фильмы. Роли. Рисунки. Книги. Статьи , N. GLAGOLEVA, 1968, Госфильмофонд СССР
- Vsevolod Poudovkine , Barthélémy AMENGUAL, 1968, Premier Plan n°47, Lyon
- Vsevolod Poudovkine , Luda SCHNITZER, , Jean SCHNITZER, 1966, Seghers
- Regards sur le cinéma russe [1962] Henri LEMAITRE, 1962,