USSR, 1961, 95mn 
Colour, fiction
Amphibian Man
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Directed by : Vladimir CHEBOTARYOV (Владимир ЧЕБОТАРЕВ), Gennadi KAZANSKY (Геннадий КАЗАНСКИЙ)
Writing credits : Akiba GOLBURT (Акиба ГОЛЬБУРТ), Aleksey KAPLER (Алексей КАПЛЕР), Aleksandr KSENOFONTOV (Александр КСЕНОФОНТОВ)
Vladimir KORENEV (Владимир КОРЕНЕВ) ...Ikhiandr Salvator
Anastasia VERTINSKAIA (Анастасия ВЕРТИНСКАЯ) ...Guttiere
Mikhail KOZAKOV (Михаил КОЗАКОВ) ...Pedro
Nikolay SIMONOV (Николай СИМОНОВ) ...Professor Salvator
Vladlen DAVYDOV (Владлен ДАВЫДОВ) ...Olsen
Stanislav CHEKAN (Станислав ЧЕКАН) ...Каrlos
Anatoli SMIRANIN (Анатолий СМИРАНИН) ...Baltazar
Cinematography : Eduard ROZOVSKY (Эдуард РОЗОВСКИЙ)
Production design : Vsevolod ULITKO (Всеволод УЛИТКО), Tamara VASILKOVSKAYA (Тамара ВАСИЛЬКОВСКАЯ)
Music : Andrey PETROV (Андрей ПЕТРОВ)
Sound : Lev VALTER (Лев ВАЛЬТЕР)
Production : Lenfilm
Spectators : 65,5 millions of spectators
Release date in Russia : 1961
Site : IMDb

Awards :
Deuxième prix du Festival du film à Trieste (Italie), 1962

DVD with subtitles
Editor : Ruscico

Plot synopsis
Based on the adventure fiction novel “The Amphibian Man” by Alexander Belyaev A small seacoast town is full of rumors about a 'sea devil.' A wealthy merchant, Zurita, who trades in pearls, does not believe in it until he runs into the 'devil' under dramatic circumstances. After that he is eager to get this ‘devil' and use him for his own purposes. The 'devil' is an ordinary, or, to be precise, extraordinary young man. When he was a small child a doctor saved his life by transplanting shark's gills into the boy's body. As a result, the boy, Ichtiander, can live both on land and in water. Ichtiander falls in love with Guttiere, the girl Zurita is going to marry, and becomes Zurita's sworn enemy and prisoner…
Source :

Commentaries and bibliography
Vingt grandes réalisations des studios Lenfilm, Alexandra GOUZEVA, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2024
RUSSIA BEYOND : Top 7 des meilleurs films de science-fiction russes à regarder sans plus tarder, Richard WESS, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2020
Cinéma: quand soviétique rimait avec érotique…, Ekaterina SINELCHTCHIKOVA, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2019
Les 100 films les plus cultes de Russie et d'URSS [selon RUSSIA BEYOND], RUSSIA BEYOND, 2019
Человек-Амфибия / L'Homme Amphibie (1962) de Vladimir Chebotaryov & Gennadi Kazansky, Arnaud, L'Abrutin, 2014
Amphibian Man [Человек-амфибия, directors : Gennadi KAZANSKY, Vladimir CHEBOTAREV? 1961], Erin ALPERT,, 2012
Camp Cinema : Russian Style,, 2012

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Thaw Films : 1953-1968, (France), 2023
- Russian Film Festival For Another Russia, Paris (France), 2020
- Russian Film Festival For Another Russia, Paris (France), 2018
- Russian Film Festival in Niort, Niort (France), 2016
- Russian film symposium. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (USA), 2012
- Festival Fantasia, Montreal (Canada), 2007
- Nantes Russian Film Festival, Nantes (France), 2006
- Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival : NIFF, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), 2005

Photos and videos