Konstantin YUDIN
Константин ЮДИН
Konstantin YOUDINE
USSR, 1941, 96mn 
Black and white, fiction
The Hearts of the Four
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Сердца четырех


 Quatre cœurs

 Serdtsa chetyryokh

Directed by : Konstantin YUDIN (Константин ЮДИН)
Writing credits : Aleksey FAIKO (Алексей ФАЙКО), Anatoli GRANBERG (Анатолий ГРАНБЕРГ)
L. DMITRIEVSKAIA (Л. ДМИТРИЕВСКАЯ) ...La mère de Mourachiova
Emmanuil GELLER (Эммануил ГЕЛЛЕР) ...Passager en retard
Irina MURZAEVA (Ирина МУРЗАЕВА) ...Voisine
Rostislav PLIATT (Ростислав ПЛЯТТ) ...Professeur de littérature
Evgeniy SAMOILOV (Евгений САМОЙЛОВ) ...Lieutenant Koltchine
Vsevolod SANAEV (Всеволод САНАЕВ) ...Le soldat Yeremeev
Valentina SEROVA (Валентина СЕРОВА) ...Galina Mourachiova
Pavel SHPRINGFELD (Павел ШПРИНГФЕЛЬД) ...Gleb Zavartsev
Cinematography : Boris ARETSKY (Борис АРЕЦКИЙ), Nikolay VLASOV (Николай ВЛАСОВ)
Production design : Georgi GRIVTSOV (Георгий ГРИВЦОВ)
Music : Yuri MILIUTIN (Юрий МИЛЮТИН)
Sound : Veniamin KIRSHENBAUM (Вениамин КИРШЕНБАУМ)
Editing : Lev FILONOV (Лев ФЕЛОНОВ)
Production : Mosfilm
Spectators : 19,4 millions of spectators
Restauration : 1988
Release date in Russia : 1944
Sites : IMDb, Kinopoisk

Plot synopsis
A musical comedy about love. Shurochka loves Kolchin, a lieutenant.Her elder sister Galina, a scientific worker, takes her to the summer military camp, where she delivers lectures. By good fortune Kolchin and Gleb Zavartsev,a zoologist, who loves Galina stay at the camp. Gradually Galina falls in love with Kolchin, and Gleb falls in love with Shura. In the end, after a chain of funny adventures every of the «four hearts» finds peace and happiness in reciprocal love.
Source : www.mosfilm.ru

Les dix films soviétiques les plus importants des années 1940, Boris EGOROV, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2023
Cinéma et régimes autoritaires au XXe siècle. Ecrans sous influence. Le festin pendant la peste, Françoise NAVAILH, kinoglaz.fr, 2010
Reviews on Kinopoisk

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Soviet comedies, kinoglaz.fr (France), 2024
- Best Soviet films according to Russia Beyond, kinoglaz.fr (France), 2023
- Gels et dégels, une autre histoire du cinéma soviétique (1926-1968), Paris (France), 2002
- Film Festival Locarno, Locarno (Switzerland), 2000

Photos and videos