USSR, 1975, 145mn 
Colour, fiction
I Want The Floor
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Прошу слова


 Je demande la parole

 Proshu slova

Directed by : Gleb PANFILOV (Глеб ПАНФИЛОВ)
Writing credits : Gleb PANFILOV (Глеб ПАНФИЛОВ)
Inna CHURIKOVA (Инна ЧУРИКОВА) ...Elizaveta Ouvarova, présidente du soviet municipa
Nikolay GUBENKO (Николай ГУБЕНКО) ...Sergueï Ouvarov
Yekaterina_2 VOLKOVA (Екатерина_2 ВОЛКОВА)
Leonid BRONEVOY (Леонид БРОНЕВОЙ) ...Altoukhov
Vasili SHUKSHIN (Василий ШУКШИН) ...Fedia, dramaturge
Nikolay PENKOV (Николай ПЕНЬКОВ)
Ernst ROMANOV (Эрнст РОМАНОВ) ...Kozlov
Nikolay SERGEIEV (Николай СЕРГЕЕВ) ...Bouchouev
Aleksandr SUSNIN (Александр СУСНИН)
Baadur TSULADZE (Баадур ЦУЛАДЗЕ) ...Le frère du fiancé
Cinematography : Aleksandr ANTIPENKO (Александр АНТИПЕНКО)
Production design : Marsen GAUKHMAN-SVERDLOV (Марксен ГАУХМАН-СВЕРДЛОВ)
Music : Vadim BIBERGAN (Вадим БИБЕРГАН)
Sound : Eduard BANUNTS (Эдуард ВАНУНЦ)
Production : Lenfilm
Release date in Russia : 29/11/1976
Sites : Allociné, IMDb, Kinopoisk

Awards :
Prix du Festival de Karlovy Vary, 1976
Prix spécial du Festival de Barcelone, 1977

DVD with subtitles
Editor : Potemkine. 2014. Titre : Coffret Panfilov-Tchourikova.
Ce coffret contient 4 films :
- Pas de gué dans le feu
- Le Début
- Je demande la parole
- Le Thème

Plot synopsis
Yelizaveta Uvarova is trusted with the post of Chairman of the City Council; there is a lot to be done, with countless “problem areas”... But everything Uvarova will undertake she does honestly and wholeheartedly, putting to use all of her ability; she is nothing but a tough person. Being a survivor, she is outgoing, emotional, capable of feeling keenly about things and making others feel the same... The picture is a story of an outstanding person who has been through a personal tragedy coping at her “high post”.
Source :

Je demande la parole : portrait de femme par Gleb Panfilov [1975],, 2021
Construire, déconstruire, reconstruire au cinéma le mythe de la femme soviétique, Valéry KOSSOV, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2016
Gleb Panfilov : Je demande la parole, Florian BEZAUD,, 2014
Reviews on Kinopoisk

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2024
- Russian Film Festival For Another Russia, Paris (France), 2015
- Pessac International History Film Festival, Pessac (France), 2009
- Russian films in the cinema Arlequin, Paris (France), 2008
- Belfort International Film Festival "Entrevues", Belfort (France), 2007
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2002
- Nantes Russian Film Festival, Nantes (France), 2001

Photos and videos