Born 1971, USSR
Died 2002
Sergey BODROV (jr.)
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Сергей Сергеевич БОДРОВ (мл.)
Sergueï BODROV (jr.)
Filmography (extracts)
2002 - Connection (Связной) [fiction, full length film]
2001 - Sisters (Сестры) [fiction, 85 mn]
2008 - Morphia (Морфий) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 107 mn]
2002 - Connection (Связной) from Sergey BODROV (jr.) [fiction, full length film]
2001 - Sisters (Сестры) from Sergey BODROV (jr.) [fiction, 85 mn]
2020 - Alexey Balabanov. Find Yours and Calm Down (Алексей Балабанов. Найти своих и успокоиться) from Lyudmila SNIGIREVA [documentary, 108 mn]
2002 - War (Война) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 115 mn]
2002 - The Bear's Kiss (Медвежий поцелуй) from Sergey BODROV [fiction, 92 mn]
2002 - Connection (Связной) from Sergey BODROV (jr.) [fiction, full length film]
2001 - The Quickie (Давай сделаем это по-быстрому) from Sergey BODROV [fiction, 96 mn]
2000 - The Brother 2 (Брат 2) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 125 mn]
1999 - Vostok-Zapad (Восток-Запад) from Regis WARGNIER [fiction, 121 mn]
1997 - Brother (Брат) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 96 mn]
1996 - Prisoner of the Mountains (Кавказский пленник) from Sergey BODROV [fiction, 100 mn]
1992 - White King, Red Queen (Белый король, Красная королева) from Sergey BODROV [fiction, 90 mn]
1989 - FIP (Freedom is Paradise) (Сэр (Свобода — это рай)) from Sergey BODROV [fiction, 90 mn]
1988 - Vzglyad (Взгляд) from Valery AKHADOV [fiction]
Sites : IMDb,, Kino-teatr

Author :

Awards :
War :
Best Actor in a Supporting Role, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2002
Sisters :
Best first film, Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2001
Brother :
Best actor, Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 1997
Prisoner of the Mountains :
Best actor, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 1996
Best actor, Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 1996

Sergei Bodrov Jr. was born on December 27, 1971. He is the son of producer and director Sergei Bodrov.
Sergei Bodrov Jr. was born on December 27, 1971. He is the son of producer and director Sergei Bodrov. A graduate of Moscow State University, Sergei Bodrov worked as a journalist and teacher and was interested in architecture and art in Venice during the Renaissance. Sergei Bodrov made his film debut as an actor in his father's film The Prisoner of the Caucasus (Кавсказкий пленник), where he played the role of Vanya, which earned him the Nika Award. From there, his career took off. In 1997, Sergei Bodrov landed one of the leading roles in Brother (Брат) which made him one of the most famous and adored stars in Russia. He followed this up with Brother 2 in 2000 and, in 2001, he began directing with Sisters which was a great success.

In 2002, while he was in North Ossetia with his crew, for the filming of "The Messenger", Sergei Bodrov was the victim of an avalanche and died on September 20, 2002, leaving behind a wife and two young children. Sergei Bodrov Jr. was born on December 27, 1971. He is the son of producer and director Sergei Bodrov. A graduate of Moscow State University, Sergei Bodrov worked as a journalist and teacher, and was interested in architecture and art in Renaissance Venice. Sergei Bodrov made his film debut as an actor in his father's film Prisoner of the Caucasus (Кавсказкий пленник), where he played the role of Vanya, which earned him the Nika Award. From there, his career took off. In 1997, Sergei Bodrov landed a leading role in Brother (Брат), which made him one of the most famous and adored stars in Russia. He followed this up with Brother 2 in 2000, and in 2001, he began directing with Sisters, which was a great success.


- Balabanov in 2022: Considering the Legacy Anna NIEMAN, 2023, Kinokultura
- «Он предложил иной стиль игры»: Алексей Васильев — о Сергее Бодрове-младшем [Au sujet de Sergueï BODRO Jr. décédé en 2002 à l'âge de 31 ans] Алексей ВАСИЛЬЕВ, 2022,
- От Сестёр к Хардкору: российское кино в XXI веке [2001 - 2015] 2016,
- Сергей Бодров «Связной» , Sergey BODROV (jr.), 2007, Сеанс
- Sergueï Bodrov Jr. ou la découverte d'un nouveau «star systeme» , Anais LE BRUN, 2005,
- Sergueï Bodrov, un cinéaste à l'écoute de l'histoire , Joël CHAPRON, 2002, Le Monde

Photos and videos

1996 - Le Prisonnier du Caucase (Кавказский пленник) de Sergueï BODROV

1997 - Le Frère (Брат) de Alekseï BALABANOV

1999 - Est-Ouest (Восток-Запад) de Régis WARGNIER

2002 - Le Baiser de l’ours (Медвежий поцелуй) de Sergueï BODROV