Alexandre SOKUROV
Александр СОКУРОВ
Alexandre SOKOUROV
Russia / Germany /Netherlands, 2003, 94mn 
Colour, fiction
Father and Son
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Отец и сын


 Père, fils

 Otets i syn

Directed by : Alexandre SOKUROV ( Александр СОКУРОВ)
Writing credits : Sergey POTEPALOV (Сергей ПОТЕПАЛОВ)
Fyodor LAVROV (Федор ЛАВРОВ) ...Le fils
Andrey SHCHETININ (Андрей ЩЕТИНИН) ...Le père
Cinematography : Aleksandr BUROV (Александр БУРОВ)
Production design : Natalya KOCHERGINA (Наталия КОЧЕРГИНА)
Music : Andrey SIGLE (Андрей СИГЛЕ)
Sound : Sergey MOSHKOV (Сергей МОШКОВ)
Editing : Sergey_2 IVANOV (Сергей_2 ИВАНОВ)
Produced by : Igor KALYONOV (Игорь КАЛЕНОВ)
Production : Nikola Film
format : 35 mm
Release date in France : 2004-01-21, Site

Awards :
FIPRESCI Prize Festival de Cannes, Cannes (France), 2003
Best Set Decoration Natalya KOCHERGINA , Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2003

Plot synopsis
The father cannot imagine his life without his son. The son loves his father devotedly and deeply. Their love is almost of mythological virtue and scale. It cannot happen in real life. This is a fairytale collision.
Father and Son continues a series of Alexander Sokurov's films devoted to ties of relationship following the film "Mother and Son" (1997).

Commentaries and bibliography
Мать и отец как субъекты любви в кинодискурсе Александра Сокурова [Père et mère comme objet d'amour dans les films d'Alexandre Sokourov], Евгений ФРЯНЦЕВ, Routine, 2023
Alexandre Sokourov, François ALBERA, Mishel ESTEVE, CinémaAction, Editions Charles Corlet, 2009
Père, fils. Mode d’emploi,, 2004
Père, fils d'Alexandre Sokourov,, 2003
Aleksandr Sokurov: Father and Son (Otets i syn) (2003), Birgit BEUMERS,, 2003

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Russian or Soviet films awarded at Berlin, Cannes or Venice, (France), 2023
- Rétrospective Alexandre Sokourov Aix en Provence / Marseille, Aix en Provence (France), 2015
- Cycle Alexandre Sokourov au cinéma Grand Action, Paris (France), 2012
- Haifa International Film Festival, Haifa (Israel), 2012
- Nantes Russian Film Festival, Nantes (France), 2004
- Release in France of the film, Different cities (France), 2004-01-21
- Festival de Cannes, Cannes (France), 2003
- Russian Film Week in Paris : Regards de Russie, Paris (France), 2003
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2003
- "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival ''A Window to Europe'', Vyborg (Russia), 2003
- Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2003

Photos and videos