Russia, 1994, 30mn 
Colour, animation
Lev s sedoy borodoy
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Лев с седой бородой


 Le Lion à la barbe blanche

 Lev s sedoy borodoy

Directed by : Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY (Андрей ХРЖАНОВСКИЙ)
Writing credits : Tonino GUERRA (Тонино ГУЕРРА)
Based on Tonino Guerra’s fairy-tale and Sergey Barhin’s paintings.
Site : page IMDb
Release date in France : 1998-04-15, Site

Awards :
Best Animation film "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 1995
Grand Prix, Nicka, 1996
Grand Prix, Message to man, Saint-Petesburg, 1996
Jury prize ICF, “Krock-95”
Prize “Golden Aries”, Cinema festival devoted to the circus skill, France, 1996
special Diploma, ICF in Herosima, 1996

Plot synopsis
The great Leon Amedeo is the favourite artist of the circus. During his youth he performs in the circus ring with tremendous success. But old age comes even to the strongest animals. When Leon is finally set free, it is too late...

Путешествия в пространстве культуры. Наталья Кривуля о методе Хржановского, Natalya KRIVULYA,, 2009

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Russian Film Festival For Another Russia, Paris (France), 2021
- International Film Festival Tarkovski, Ivanovo (Russia), 2020
- Cinémondes. Festival international du film indépendant, Lille (France), 2012
- Days of Russian cinema in Limoges, Limoges (France), 2012
- BCF. The Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2011
- Festival of Archive Films, Belye Stolby (Russia), 2011
- Moscow, St-Petersburg : two faces of Russia, Paris (France), 2010
- Festival international du film d'Amiens, Amiens (France), 2010
- Semaine russe au Ciné-Parvis Le Méridien de Tarbes, Tarbes (France), 2010
- Semaine de cinéma russe à la cité internationale de la bande dessinée et de l'image d'Angoulême, Angoulême (France), 2010
- International Film Festival "Ciné Junior", Val de Marne (France), 2010
- Europe XXL / Midi-Midi Moscou, Lille (France), 2009
- Festival Pau ville russe, Pau (France), 2009
- International Leipzig Festival for documentary and animated film, Leipzig (Germany), 2009
- Arras International Film Festival, Arras (France), 2007
- Paris Russian Film Festival, Paris (France), 2007
- Release in France of the film, Different cities (France), 1998-04-15
- Festival de Cannes, Cannes (France), 1995
- "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 1995