Russia / France, 1993, 100mn 
Colour, documentary
Anna from six till eighteen
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Анна от 6 до 18


 Anna de 6 à 18 ans

 Anna ot 6 do 18

Directed by : Nikita MIKHALKOV (Никита МИХАЛКОВ)
Writing credits : Nikita MIKHALKOV (Никита МИХАЛКОВ)
Nikita MIKHALKOV (Никита МИХАЛКОВ) ... son propre rôle
Anna MIKHALKOVA (Анна МИХАЛКОВА) ... son propre rôle
Nadezhda MIKHALKOVA (Надежда МИХАЛКОВА) ... son propre rôle
Cinematography : Vadim ALISOV (Вадим АЛИСОВ), Elizbar KARAVAYEV (Элизбар КАРАВАЕВ), Pavel LEBESHEV (Павел ЛЕБЕШЕВ), Vadim YUSOV (Вадим ЮСОВ)
Production design : Sergey MIROSHNICHENKO (Сергей МИРОШНИЧЕНКО)
Music : Eduard ARTEMIEV (Эдуард АРТЕМЬЕВ)
Produced by : Nikita MIKHALKOV (Никита МИХАЛКОВ), Leonid VERESHCHAGIN (Леонид ВЕРЕЩАГИН)
Production : Trite, Camera One
Release date in France : 1995-03-14, Site

DVD with subtitles
Editor : Fox Pathé Europe
Editor : Ruscico.
Langues : RU EN FR
Pas de sous-titres
Bonus :
- Interview de Nikita Mikhalkov
- Photos de montage

Plot synopsis
Juxtaposing macrocosm and microcosm, the film sets the collapse of the Soviet Union against the growth of Mikhalkov's daughter Anna over the course of 13 years, beginning in 1980. Every year, starting at age six, Anna is subjected to an interview centering on the same five questions. Her personal evolution is interwoven with archival footage and propaganda films tracing the death throes of the Soviet Empire from the last years of the Brezhnev regime through Gorbachev's perestroika reforms to the first steps toward democracy under Boris Yeltsin.
Source :

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- International Film Festival Listapad, Minsk (Belarus), 2024
- Russian epopee in the Institut de l'image of Aix en Provence, Aix en Provence (France), 2010
- Retrospective Russian cinema at the "Reflet Médicis", Paris (France), 2009
- Release in France of the film, Different cities (France), 1995-03-14
- Berlin International Film Festival : Berlinale, Berlin (Germany), 1994

Photos and videos