2009 Сквозь хвою хвойных деревьев (Through the Needles of Conifers)
2007 Вверх подносимое (Touched to the Top)
2006 Всегда ваш Андрей Миронов (Always Yours Andrey Mironov)
2005 Майя Кристалинская (Maya Kristalinskaya)
2005 Байкальский капкан (Baykal Trap)
2004 Мираж над Амуром (Mirage over Amur)
2003 Кариатиды (Caryatids)
2002 Бульварные страсти (Sleazy Passions)
2002 Скоро весна (Spring is Coming Soon)
2001 Щепки (Chips)
2001 Карамболина (Caramboline)
2000 Космический странник (Cosmic Wanderer)
2000 Александр Ф. Скляр. Песня (Alexander F. Sklyar. The Song)
1998 Нас не надо жалеть (No Need to Feel Pity for Us)
1997 Перекати-поэт (Poet of Passage)
1992 Парабола (Parabola)
Born in Izhevsk.
Graduated from the journalism department of
the Moscow State University (as part of the TV group of M.
Goldovskaya). In 1995 graduated from Higher Courses for
Scriptwriters and Directors. Has collaborated with various film
studios of the country in the capacity of the scriptwriter and
director, including: RWS, KARO, NECKI, “Risk”, “Debut”,
“Gamma”, “Khorosho-Production”, as well as with federal TV
channels. Currently works mainly as the scriptwriter of feature
films and TV series.