Russia, 2006, 104mn 
Colour, fiction
It Does'nt Hurt
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Мне не больно


 Je n’ai pas mal

 Mne ne bolno

Directed by : Aleksey BALABANOV (Алексей БАЛАБАНОВ)
Writing credits : Valery MNATSAKANOV (Валерий МНАЦАКАНОВ)
Dmitry DYUZHEV (Дмитрий ДЮЖЕВ) ...Oleg
Valentin KUZNETSOV (Валентин КУЗНЕЦОВ) ...Vassia
Renata LITVINOVA (Рената ЛИТВИНОВА) ...Tata
Sergey MAKOVETSKY (Сергей МАКОВЕЦКИЙ) ...Le médecin
Nikita MIKHALKOV (Никита МИХАЛКОВ) ...Sergueï Sergueevitch
Aleksandr MOSIN (Александр МОСИН)
Aleksandr YATSENKO (Александр ЯЦЕНКО) ...Micha
Cinematography : Sergey ASTAKHOV (Сергей АСТАХОВ)
Production design : Pavel PARKHOMENKO (Павел ПАРХОМЕНКО)
Music : Vadim SAMOILOV (Вадим САМОЙЛОВ)
Sound : Mikhail NIKOLAEV (Михаил НИКОЛАЕВ)
Editing : Tatyana KUZMICHOVA (Татьяна КУЗЬМИЧЕВА)
Produced by : Sergey SELIANOV (Сергей СЕЛЬЯНОВ)
Production : CTB
Film revenue in Russia : 0.91 million dollars
Release date in Russia : 15/06/2006
format : 35 mm
Sites : IMDb,

Awards :
Best actress Renata LITVINOVA , Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2006
Best actor Aleksandr YATSENKO , Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2006
Audience Award "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival ''A Window to Europe'', Vyborg (Russia), 2006

Plot synopsis
Three friends stand on the threshold to a posh house in the center of a big city. They are young and full of energy; they have talent, skills, and a thirst of life broadly speaking they have everything, except for money. And for that they have come here: to offer their services as designers to the landlady. Natella Antonovna is also young, but her life seems to have turned into boredom already. At least this was the case until she met Misha. He helped her love her life once again; she found him and his friends an interesting job. Rich clients, expensive dinners, and huge fees: our friends could not have dreamt of that. And, most important, she loves him! But she hides something crucial, and this will inevitably affect their future.
Source :

Рогожкин и Балабанов [Rogojkine et Balabanov], Nikita KARTSEV,, 2022
21+ Алексей Балабанов. «Найти своих и успокоиться», Herr_master,, 2020
Aleksei Balabanov : It Doesn’t Hurt (Mne ne bol′no, 2006), Olga KLIMOVA,, 2006

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Actors, actresses and stars, (France), 2024
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2013
- Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema, Pesaro (Italy), 2010
- FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival of East European Cinema, Cottbus (Germany), 2008
- Clevelant International Film Festival, Cleveland (USA), 2008
- Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2007
- World Film Festival, Montreal (Canada), 2006
- Festival Kinoblick, Stuttgart (Germany), 2006
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2006
- Festival of Festivals, St Petersburg (Russia), 2006
- "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival ''A Window to Europe'', Vyborg (Russia), 2006