Taking advantage of his wife's absence, Antosha is enjoying him-self in the company of friends, both male and female. The revel¬ry is at its very height when his wife sends a telegram saying that she is returning in the morning. Chaos reigns. Antosha sees off his guests and puts everything in order. But suddenly he notices a corset left by one of the ladies. All his attempts to get rid of it are in vain: he throws it out of the window, but the yard-keeper brings it back; he hurls it into the fireplace, but it is extracted by a chimney-sweep; he tries to drop it in the street, but fails. Finally, he palms it off on a thief, and contentedly returns home. His wife arrives and suspects Anto¬sha of infidelity. He manages to justify himself, but at that moment a delivery man brings back the ill-fated corset with a letter from the thief. The play ends with the wife using the corset as a means of retribution.