Children of Monday : Irina Rozanova, meilleure actrice au festival "Vive le Cinéma de la Russie !-98 (Saint-Pétersbourg).
Grigori Belenki, Prix Alexandre-Kniajinski de la meilleure image, Pris du Jury des distributeurs des pays de la CEI et des pays baltes au festival "Kinochok-98" d'Anapa.
Vy ne ostavite menya : Pris spécial du jury au Festival Litterature et cinéma (Gatchina), 2007
Alla Sourikova, whose real name is Issaakovna, was born in kyiv on November 6, 1940. In 1965 she obtained a degree in linguistics from the Faculty of Philology at the University of kyiv. She first worked as an assistant director for the films The Little School Orchestra (Маленький школьный оркестр 1968, TV) and Do you know how to live? (Умеете ли вы жить?, 1970, by Aleksandr Muratov).
In 1973 she graduated from the Higher Training Courses for screenwriters and directors (under the direction of Gueorgui Danelia).