Born 1930, USSR (Russia)
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Иван Иванович КРАСКО
Filmography (extracts)
2020 - Sententia / Maxim (Сентенция) from Dmitry RUDAKOV [fiction, 100 mn]
2016 - Dien do (День до) from Egor BARANOV , Pavel BARDIN , Aleksandr KARPILOVSKY , Boris KHLEBNIKOV , Vladimir KOTT , Aleksandr KOTT , Karen OGANESYAN [fiction, 91 mn]
2012 - Boys (Мальчики) from Ilya KAZANKOV [fiction, 23 mn]
2011 - The Admirer (Поклонница) from Vitali MELNIKOV [fiction, full length film]
2010 - We are from the Future 2 / Back In Time 2 (Мы из будущего 2) from Boris ROSTOV , Aleksandr SAMOKHVALOV [fiction, 98 mn]
2009 - Taras Bulba (Тарас Бульба) from Vladimir BORTKO [fiction, 100 mn]
2009 - Bury me behind the baseboard (Похороните меня за плинтусом) from Sergey SNEZHKIN [fiction, 116 mn]
2006 - Ships were calling at the port (В гавань заходили корабли) from Mikhail KONOVALCHUK [fiction, 87 mn]
2005 - Brezhnev (Брежнев)
2004 - Alesha Popovich and Tugarin Zmey (Алеша Попович и Тугарин Змей) from Konstantin BRONZIT [animation, 75 mn]
2003 - Srochny frakht (Срочный фрахт) from Armenak NAZIRIAN [fiction, 70 mn]
2003 - Chelyabumbiya (Челябумбия) from Valery BYCHENKOV [fiction, 115 mn]
2003 - Karlik Nos (Карлик Нос) from Ilya MAKSIMOV [animation, 82 mn]
1998 - Calendula blossoms (Цветы календулы) from Sergey SNEZHKIN [fiction, 120 mn]
1996 - The Return of the Battleship (Возвращение броненосца) from Gennadi POLOKA [fiction, 127 mn]
1988 - Mister Designer (Господин оформитель) from Oleg TEPTSOV [fiction, 109 mn]
1986 - Poslednyaya doroga (Последняя дорога) from Leonid MENAKER [fiction, 101 mn]
1985 - The Fairytale Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit (Сказочное путешествие мистера Бильбо Беггинса Хоббита) from Vladimir LATYSHEV [fiction, 75 mn]
1975 - What the stands won't know (О чём не узнают трибуны) from Yakov Bazelyan [fiction, 76 mn]
1973 - Prince and Beggar (Принц и нищий) from Vadim GAUZNER [fiction, 74 mn]
1966 - In the Town of S (В городе С) from Iosif KHEIFITS [fiction, 106 mn]