Alexandre SOKUROV
Александр СОКУРОВ
Alexandre SOKOUROV
USSR, 1982, 70mn 
Colour, documentary
And Nothing More
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И ничего больше


 Et rien de plus

 I nichego bolshe

Other titles : Союзники (Les Alliés)
Directed by : Alexandre SOKUROV ( Александр СОКУРОВ)
Writing credits : Anatoli NIKIFOROV (Анатолий НИКИФОРОВ)
Cinematography : Aleksandr BUROV (Александр БУРОВ), Aleksandr GRACHEV (Александр ГРАЧЕВ), Lyudmila KRASNOVA (Людмила КРАСНОВА), Lev ROZHIN (Лев РОЖИН)
Production design : Sergey DEBIZHEV (Сергей ДЕБИЖЕВ)
Sound : Mikhail PODTAKUY (Михаил ПОДТАКУЙ)
Production : LSDF (ЛСДФ)
Release date in Russia : 1987
format : 35 mm

Plot synopsis
A new perspective, taken from unpublished documents, of the diplomatic relations and the feelings of the Soviet population in the Second World War.
Source :

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Alexandre Sokourov : des pages cachées, Paris (France), 2010
- FEMA / La Rochelle International Film Festival, La Rochelle (France), 1993