USSR (Ukraine), 1976, 9mn 
Musical Tales
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Музыкальные сказки


 Contes musicaux

 Muzykalnyye skazki

Directed by : Cesar ORSHANSKY (Цезарь ОРШАНСКИЙ)
Production : Kievnauchnyfilm
Site : animator.ru

Plot synopsis
The story of a poor giraffe who was tormented by the heat. What little animals did to help him: they hid him from the sun, watered him from a watering can, but nothing helped! Then they brought him ice cream and he felt good and cool, but soon the giraffe's throat ached and his friends had to help him again. Together they sat down to work and knitted the Giraffe a long, long scarf. Also about the funny Crocodile and the forest robber, who complains that "his profession is now out of fashion."

Commentaries and bibliography
Le cinéma d'animation ukrainien, Frédéric MONTEIL, larenedairain.fr, 2022

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Russian or Soviet animated films (1906-1991), kinoglaz.fr (France), 2023
- Animated film directors. Russia-USSR 1906-1991, kinoglaz.fr (France), 2023

Photos and videos