Sound designer
Vladimir KUTUZOV
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Владимир КУТУЗОВ
Filmography (extracts)
Sound designer
1998 - A Long Voyage (Долгое путешествие) from Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY [animation, 20 mn]
1995 - Little Tower-Room (Теремок) from Sergey KOSITSYN [animation, 6 mn]
1993 - Rozhdestvenskaya fantaziya (Рождественская фантазия) from Lyudmila KOSHKINA [animation, 10 mn]
1989 - The Parable About the Actor (Players) (Притча об артисте (Лицедей)) from Nikolay SEREBRYAKOV [animation, 20 mn]
1988 - Pass (Перевал) from Vladimir TARASOV [animation, 30 mn]
1987 - The Marriage (Брак) from Garri BARDIN [animation, 10 mn]
1987 - Frills (Выкрутасы) from Garri BARDIN [animation, 10 mn]
1987 - The School of Fine Arts. The Landscape with Juniper (Школа изящных искусств. Пейзаж с можжевельником) from Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY , Valery UGAROV [animation, 30 mn]
1986 - Hercules at Admet (Геракл у Адмета) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 20 mn]
1985 - Break (Брэк) from Garri BARDIN [animation, 11 mn]
1985 - The Royal Sandwich (Королевский бутерброд) from Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY [animation, 10 mn]
1985 - Well, Wait ! (15) (Ну, погоди! (15)) from Vyacheslav KOTENOCHKIN [animation, 10 mn]
1985 - The Agreement (Контракт) from Vladimir TARASOV [animation, 10 mn]
1983 - Rodamus Qwerck's Delusion (Наваждение Родамуса Кверка) from Valery UGAROV [animation, 10.24 mn]
1983 - Jubilee (Юбилей) from Vladimir TARASOV [animation, 31 mn]
1983 - Who Bit Was Caught (Попался, который кусался) from Vyacheslav KOTENOCHKIN [animation, 10 mn]
1980 - And With You I Am Again (И с Вами снова я) from Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY [animation, 31 mn]
1980 - Solnishkin's Voyage (Мореплавание Солнышкина) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 17 mn]
1979 - Cinderella (Золушка) from Ivan AKSENCHUK [animation, 18 mn]
1978 - A Fantastic Tale (Чудеса в решете) from Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY [animation, 10 mn]
1978 - Contact (Контакт) from Vladimir TARASOV [animation, 10 mn]
1977 - I'm Flying to You by Memories (Я к Вам лечу воспоминанием) from Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY [animation, 30 mn]
1977 - Tayna zapechnogo sverchka (Тайна запечного сверчка) from Vadim KURCHEVSKY [animation, 18 mn]
1977 - Polygon (Полигон) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 10 mn]
1977 - Don't Listen If You Don't Like It (Не любо - не слушай) from Leonid NOSYREV [animation, 10 mn]
1976 - The House Which Jack Built (Дом, который построил Джек) from Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY [animation, 10 mn]
1976 - Ikar and Wise Men (Икар и мудрецы) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 8.6 mn]
1976 - Tari the Birdie (Птичка Тари) from Gennadi SOKOLSKY [animation, 9 mn]
1976 - A Mirror of Time (Зеркало времени) from Vladimir TARASOV [animation, 10 mn]
1975 - A Wonderful Day (День чудесный) from Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY [animation, 16 mn]
1975 - I mama menya prostit (И мама меня простит) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 9.4 mn]
1974 - Fedora's Grief (Федорино горе) from Nataliya CHERVINSKAYA [animation, 9 mn]
1973 - In The Fable World (В мире басен) from Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY [animation, 11 mn]
1971 - Songs of the fiery years (Песни огненных лет) from Inesa KOVALEVSKAYA [animation, 20.18 mn]
1969 - Merry-Go-Round 1. Inattentive Giovanni (Веселая карусель N°1. Рассеянный Джованни) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 10 mn]