Born in 1943, USSR (Russia)
Died 2023
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Инна Михайловна ЧУРИКОВА
Filmography (extracts)
2000 - Romanovy. Ventsenosnaya semya (Романовы: венценосная семья) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 135 mn]
2023 - Patient No. 1 (Пациент № 1) from Rezo GIGINISHVILY [fiction, 105 mn]
2022 - Let's Do it Again (Будем заново) from Kamila RAMAZANOVA [fiction, 24 mn]
2021 - 100 Minutes (Иван Денисович) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 105 mn]
2020 - Mint Gingerbread (Мятный пряник) from Alisa GREBENSHCHIKOVA , Andrey KARASOV [fiction, 97 mn]
2019 - No comments (Без комментариев) from Rezo GIGINISHVILY [fiction, 10 mn]
2015 - No borders (Без границ) from Rezo GIGINISHVILY , Karen OGANESYAN , Roman PRYGUNOV [fiction, 90 mn]
2015 - The land of Oz (Страна Оз) from Vasili SIGAREV [fiction, 100 mn]
2015 - The Best day (Самый лучший день) from Zhora KRYZHOVNIKOV [fiction, 112 mn]
2015 - Pamiat oseni (Память осени) from Andrey SOKOLOV [fiction, 96 mn]
2008 - Vivat, Anna! (Виват, Анна!) from Svetlana DRUZHININA [fiction, 150 mn]
2008 - Guilty without Guilt (Без вины виноватые) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 136 mn]
2007 - Khranit vechno (Хранить вечно) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 127 mn]
2006 - Carnival Night 2 (Карнавальная ночь-2, или 50 лет спустя) from Eldar RIAZANOV [fiction, 160 mn]
2003 - Casus belli (Casus belli / Казус Белли) from Igor UGOLNIKOV [fiction, 125 mn]
2003 - Bless the Woman (Благословите женщину) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 114 mn]
2003 - Idiot (Идиот) from Vladimir BORTKO [TV fiction, full length film]
1995 - Shirli-myrli (Ширли-мырли) from Vladimir MENSHOV [fiction, 143 mn]
1994 - Ryaba My Chicken / Speckled Hen (Курочка Ряба) from Andrey KONCHALOVSKY [fiction, 118 mn]
1994 - The Year of Dog (Год Собаки) from Semyon ARANOVICH [fiction, 133 mn]
1993 - Casanova’s Cape / Casanova's Coat (Плащ Казановы) from Aleksandr GALIN [fiction, 97 mn]
1990 - Adam s Rib (Ребро Aдама) from Vyacheslav KRISHTOFOVICH [fiction, 79 mn]
1989 - The Mother (Мать) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 200 mn]
1988 - Tri Devushki v golubom (Три девушки в голубом) from Mark ZAKHAROV [fiction]
1986 - Courier (Курьер) from Karen SHAKHNAZAROV [fiction, 88 mn]
1983 - Vassa (Васса) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 140 mn]
1983 - War-Time Romance (Военно-полевой роман) from Piotr TODOROVSKY [fiction, 92 mn]
1981 - Valentina (Валентина) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 99 mn]
1979 - Theme (Тема) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 98 mn]
1979 - That Munchhausen (Тот самый Мюнхгаузен) from Mark ZAKHAROV [TV fiction, 142 mn]
1975 - I Want The Floor (Прошу слова) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 145 mn]
1970 - The Biginning / The Debut (Начало) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 91 mn]
1967 - There is no Passage through Fire (About Tanya Tyotkina and her Drawings) (В огне брода нет) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 95 mn]
1967 - Problema (Проблема) from Georgi DANELIYA [fiction]
1966 - Elusive Avengers (Неуловимые мстители) from Edmond KEOSAYAN [fiction, 78 mn]
1966 - The Elder Sister (Старшая Сестра) from Georgi NATANSON [fiction, 102 mn]
1965 - The Cook (Стряпуха) from Edmond KEOSAYAN [fiction, 71 mn]
1965 - Thirty Three (Тридцать три) from Georgi DANELIYA [fiction, 77 mn]
1964 - Frosty (Морозко) from Aleksandr ROU [fiction, 84 mn]
1964 - Where Are You Now, Maxim? (Где ты теперь, Максим ?) from Edmond KEOSAYAN [fiction, 81 mn]
1963 - I Walk Around Moscow (Я шагаю по Москве) from Georgi DANELIYA [fiction, 78 mn]
1960 - Clouded Skies Over Borsk (Тучи над Борском) from Vasili ORDYNSKY [fiction, 86 mn]
Sites : IMDb, Kino-teatr

Author :

Awards :
Artiste du peuple de Russie, 1985
Artiste du peuple de l'Union soviétique, 1991
Special Prize, Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Russia, 2014
Prize for the contribution to International Cinema, Days of Russian cinema in Valence, France, 2006
Patient No. 1 :
Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2023
The land of Oz :
Best Actress in a Supporting Role, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2016
Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2015
Vivat, Anna! :
Best actress, Festival "Vivat Kino Rossii", St Petersburg (Russia), 2009
Idiot :
Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2004
Bless the Woman :
Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2003
Best Actress in a Supporting Role, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2003
Casanova’s Cape / Casanova's Coat :
Best actress, Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 1994
Adam s Rib :
Best actress, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 1991
War-Time Romance :
Best actress, Berlin International Film Festival : Berlinale, Berlin (Germany), 1984

Inna Churikova was born on October 5, 1943. She studied at the Shchepkin Higher Theater School, where she was a student of L. Volkov and L. Tsygankov. She graduated in 1965. She achieved her first major cinematic successes by playing in Panfilov's films A Ford in the Fire and The Beginning.

From 1975 she acted at the Lenkom Theater. She played in Ivanov, The Optimist Tragedy, Three Girls in Blue. In Hamlet she played the role of Ophelia in Tarkovsky's production and that of Gertrude in Panfilov's production. She will also play several roles from the classical Russian repertoire, including Mamaeva in Ostrovsky's The Wise Man, Arkadina in Chekhov's The Seagull.

Having become the wife of Gleb Panfilov, she played one of the main roles in all of his fiction films with the exception of The Romanovs, a Crowned Family, for which she is co-writer.

Inna Churikova is a People's Artist of the Soviet Union and a laureate of the national prizes of the Soviet Union and Russia.

- К 80-летию со дня рождения Инны Чуриковой опубликованы эксклюзивные фотографии со съемок [A l'occasion du 80e anniversaire de la naissance de l'actrice Inna Tchourikova, décédée en janvier 2023, des photos exclusives de tournage ont été publiées] 2023, rg.ru
- Пять выходов королевы. Вспоминаем самые яркие роли Инны Чуриковой [On se souvient des rôles les plus marquants d'Inna Tchourikova] 2023, rg.ru
- Hommage : Inna Tchourikova, 1943-2023. Obstinée, fragile ou excentrique. , Joël CHAPRON, 2023, Facebook, Positif 746, avril 2023
- Jeanne d’Arc, Louis XIII, Frida... Quand les acteurs russes incarnent des personnalités historiques 2023, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Dix actrices soviétiques à connaître absolument Valeria PAÏKOVA, 2022, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Discours de Frédéric Mitterrand, ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, prononcé le 24 février 2010, à l’occasion de la cérémonie de remise des insignes de Commandeur dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres à Naoum KLEIMAN et Pavel LOUNGUINE, et d’Officier dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres à Gleb PANFILOV, Inna TCHOURIKOVA, et Svetlana ZAKHAROVA Frédéric MITTERAND, 2010, culture.gouv.fr
- Portrait de femme avec variation [En hommage à Gleb Panfilov et sa femme Inna Tchourikova] , Marilyne FELLOUS, 1988, festival-larochelle.org

Photos and videos

2023 - Patient N° 1 (Пациент № 1) de Rezo GUIGUINEICHVILI

2021 - Ivan Denissovitch (Иван Денисович) de Gleb PANFILOV

2015 - Le Jour le meilleur (Самый лучший день) de Jora KRYJOVNIKOV

1994 - Riaba ma poule (Курочка Ряба) de Andreï KONTCHALOVSKI

1986 - Le Coursier (Курьер) de Karen CHAKHNAZAROV

1983 - Romance du front (Военно-полевой роман) de Piotr TODOROVSKI

1979 - Le Thème (Тема) de Gleb PANFILOV

1975 - Je demande la parole (Прошу слова) de Gleb PANFILOV

1970 - Le Début (Начало) de Gleb PANFILOV