Artistic director
Born 1966, USSR
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Евгений Витальевич МИРОНОВ
Filmography (extracts)
2020 - Muze (Муза) from Piotr DRANGA [fiction, 13 mn]
1999 - Prisheltsam novym (Пришельцам новым) from Yuri BORISOV [documentary]
2024 - North Pole (Северный полюс) from Aleksandr KOTT [fiction]
2023 - Nuremberg (Нюрнберг) from Nikolay LEBEDEV [fiction, 131 mn]
2022 - Land of Legends (Сердце Пармы) from Anton MEGERDICHEV [fiction, 110 mn]
2022 - Jeanne (Жанна) from Konstantin STATSKY [fiction, 103 mn]
2022 - Jazz 100 (Джаз 100) from Aleksandr BRYNTSEV [fiction, 114 mn]
2020 - Gatekeeper of the Galaxy / Cosmoball (Вратарь Галактики) from Djanik FAIZIEV [fiction, 115 mn]
2020 - Muze (Муза) from Piotr DRANGA [fiction, 13 mn]
2020 - Space Dogs: Tropical Adventure (Белка и Стрелка: Карибская тайна) from Inna EVLANNIKOVA [animation, 80 mn]
2019 - Lenin Factor (Ленин. Неизбежность) from Vladimir KHOTINENKO [fiction, 113 mn]
2018 - V. Mayakovsky (В Маяковский) from Aleksandr SHEYN [fiction, 124 mn]
2017 - The Spacewalker (Время первых) from Dmitry KISELEV [fiction, 140 mn]
2017 - Thawed Carp (Карп отмороженный) from Vladimir KOTT [fiction, 101 mn]
2016 - Matilda (Матильда) from Aleksey UCHITEL [fiction, 109 mn]
2015 - Puppet syndrome (Синдром Петрушки) from Yelena KHAZANOVA / HAZANOVA [fiction, 101 mn]
2015 - Norveg (Норвег) from Alena ZVANTSOVA [fiction, 108 mn]
2014 - The Calculator / Titanium (Вычислитель) from Dmitry GRACHEV [fiction, 80 mn]
2013 - Belka i strelka : lunnye prikliuchenia (Белка и Стрелка: Лунные приключения) from Inna EVLANNIKOVA , Aleksandr KHRAMTSOV , Vadim SOTSKOV [animation, 90 mn]
2010 - Moscow, I love you (Москва, я люблю тебя!) from Group of directors [fiction, 110 mn]
2010 - Burnt by the Sun 2: Exodus (Утомленные солнцем 2 : Предстояние) from Nikita MIKHALKOV [fiction, 180 mn]
2009 - Bird-Gogol (Птица-Гоголь) from Leonid PARFYONOV [documentary, 78 mn]
2009 - Belka and Strelka. Star Dogs (Белка и Стрелка. Звёздные собаки) from Inna EVLANNIKOVA , Svyatoslav USHAKOV [animation, 85 mn]
2007 - In tranzit (По этапу) from Tom ROBERTS [fiction, 108 mn]
2007 - Khranit vechno (Хранить вечно) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 127 mn]
2006 - Hunting for Piranha (Охота на пиранью) from Andrey KAVUN [fiction, 125 mn]
2005 - Dreaming of Space (Космос как предчувствие) from Aleksey UCHITEL [fiction, 90 mn]
2005 - Pobeg (Побег) from Egor KONCHALOVSKY [fiction, 110 mn]
2004 - Vechernyy zvon (Вечерний звон) from Vladimir KHOTINENKO , Vladimir MOROZOV [fiction, 87 mn]
2004 - Na verkhneï Maslovke (На Верхней Масловке) from Konstantin KHUDYAKOV [fiction, 115 mn]
2004 - Amerikanets (Американец) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction]
2004 - The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (Щелкунчик и мышиный король) from Natalya MALGINA [animation, 90 mn]
2003 - Idiot (Идиот) from Vladimir BORTKO [TV fiction, full length film]
2003 - The Nutcracker (Щелкунчик) from Tatyana ILYNA [animation, 1.39 mn]
2003 - Yest ideya (Есть идея...)
2002 - House of Fools (Дом дураков) from Andrey KONCHALOVSKY [fiction, 104 mn]
2002 - Metamorphosis (Превращение) from Valery FOKIN [fiction, 90 mn]
2002 - Igra v modern (Игра в модерн) from Maksim KOROSTYSHEVSKY [fiction, 83 mn]
2001 - V avguste sorok 44-go (В августе 44-го) from Mikhail PTASHUK [fiction, 118 mn]
2001 - Andrey Bely.Okhota na angela, ili Chetyre lyubvi poeta i proritsatelya (Андрей Белый. Охота на ангела, или Четыре любви поэта и прорицателя) from Andrey OSIPOV [documentary, 56 mn]
2001 - Repetitsiya Pushkina (Репетиция Пушкина) from Yuri BORISOV [TV film]
2000 - His Wife's Diary (Дневник его жены) from Aleksey UCHITEL [fiction, 120 mn]
1999 - Mama (Мама) from Denis EVSTIGNEYEV [fiction, 99 mn]
1999 - Prisheltsam novym (Пришельцам новым) from Yuri BORISOV [documentary]
1997 - Zmeynyy istochnik (Змеиный источник) from Nikolay LEBEDEV [fiction, 87 mn]
1996 - Revizor (Ревизор) from Sergey GAZAROV [fiction, full length film]
1996 - Dvadtsat minut s angelom (Двадцать минут с ангелом) from Aleksandr DALIN [49 mn]
1995 - Musulmanin (Мусульманин) from Vladimir KHOTINENKO [fiction, 110 mn]
1995 - Tramvay v Moskve (Трамвай в Москве) from Jean-Luc LEON [TV film, 51 mn]
1994 - Burnt by the Sun (Утомленные солнцем) from Nikita MIKHALKOV [fiction, 154 mn]
1994 - Limita (Лимита) from Denis EVSTIGNEYEV [fiction, 82 mn]
1993 - The Last Saturday (Последняя суббота) from Sergey LINKOV [fiction]
1992 - Encore, Once More Encore (Анкор, еще анкор !) from Piotr TODOROVSKY [fiction, 101 mn]
1992 - How's Life, Crucians? (Как живете, караси?) from Sofia MILKINA , Mikhail SHVEITSER [fiction, 123 mn]
1991 - The Inner Circle (Ближний круг) from Andrey KONCHALOVSKY [fiction, 132 mn]
1991 - Love (Любовь) from Valery TODOROVSKY [fiction, 109 mn]
1991 - Lost In Siberia (Затерянный в Cибири) from Aleksandr MITTA [fiction, 140 mn]
1991 - Karpatskoe zoloto (Карпатское золото) from Viktor ZHIVOLUB [fiction, 93 mn]
1989 - Do It - One! (Делай раз!) from Andrey MALYUKOV [fiction, 85 mn]
1989 - Pered rassvetpom (Перед рассветом)
1988 - The Wife Of The Kerosene Man (Жена керосинщика) from Aleksandr KAIDANOVSKY [fiction, 101 mn]
2022 - Jeanne (Жанна) from Konstantin STATSKY [fiction, 103 mn]
2018 - Blood (Кровь) from Artiom TEMNIKOV [fiction, 108 mn]
2017 - The Spacewalker (Время первых) from Dmitry KISELEV [fiction, 140 mn]
2015 - Puppet syndrome (Синдром Петрушки) from Yelena KHAZANOVA / HAZANOVA [fiction, 101 mn]
2009 - Soundtrack of Passion (Фонограмма страсти) from Nikolay LEBEDEV [fiction, 97 mn]
Artistic director
2015 - Puppet syndrome (Синдром Петрушки) from Yelena KHAZANOVA / HAZANOVA [fiction, 101 mn]
Sites : IMDb, Kino-teatr

Author :

Awards :
Artiste émerite de Russie (1996)
Meilleur acteur de l’année 1992 pour le rôle de Sacha dans L'Amour
The Spacewalker :
Best actor, Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2018
Burnt by the Sun 2: Exodus :
Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2010
Best Actor in a Supporting Role, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2010
Dreaming of Space :
Best actor, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2006
Idiot :
Best actor, Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2004
Limita :
Best actor, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 1994
Love :
Best actor, Cinema for all, Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 1992

Evgeny Mironov was born in Saratov in 1966. While still a schoolboy, he worked in the drama circle of his school and studied accordion at a music school.
In 1982, he entered the Saratov Drama School (Саратовское театральное училище) in the class of Valentina Ermakova, where he was already considered one of the most gifted. In 1986, he came to Moscow, where he met Oleg Tabakov (Олег Табаков), who took him into his class at the studio of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre (МХАТ). After completing his studies, he entered the Tabakov Studio (also called Tabakerka) as an actor, where he played several leading roles. He also played in Aeschylus' Oresteia at the Russian Army Theatre, directed by Peter Stein. Today Mironov is one of the most important figures in Russian theatre.
During his career he played the best roles in the theatre repertoire: Treplev in Chekhov's The Mute Girl, Ivan Karamazov, Hamlet (also directed by Peter Stein) and many other roles.
He made his film debut in 1988 in Alexander Kaidanovski's (Александр Кайдановский) film The Oil Merchant's Wife, several other roles followed.
His first major success in an auteur film was the role of Sasha in Valeri Todorovsky's (Валерий Тодоровский) film Love. For this role Mironov received the title of best actor of 1992. Another great success was the role of Nikolai, a soldier returned from Afghanistan, in Vladimir Khotinenko's film The Muslim. In Denis Evstigneev's Mama, despite the presence of other great Russian actors such as Nonna Mordjukova or Oleg Menshikov, Mironov's performance in a supporting role is remarkable. In 2003 Mironov brilliantly played the role of Prince Myshkin in Dostoevsky's The Idiot, adapted for television by Vladimir Bortko (Владимир Бортко) and shown on the Rossiya channel.

- Какие типажи сегодня популярны в российском кино [Quels types sont populaires dans le cinéma russe aujourd'hui ?] Сусанна АЛЬПЕРИНА, 2023, Российская Газета
- Entre deux actes: Un défi de création complexe [Un projet de l'acteur Evgueni MIRONOV] Yves LECLERC, 2019, journaldemontreal.com

Photos and videos

2017 - Le Temps des premiers (Время первых) de Dmitri KISSELEV

1994 - Soleil trompeur (Утомленные солнцем) de Nikita MIKHALKOV

1991 - L'Amour (Любовь) de Valeri TODOROVSKI