Born 1958, USSR (Ukraine)
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Сергей Васильевич МАКОВЕЦКИЙ
Filmography (extracts)
2023 - The Righteous (Праведник) from Sergey URSULIAK [fiction, 163 mn]
2023 - Operation "Neman" (Операция «Неман») from Sergey VINOGRADOV [fiction, serial, full length film]
2022 - Plast (Пласт) from Stanislav SAPACHYOV [fiction, 102 mn]
2020 - The Terrible (Грозный) from Aleksey ANDRIANOV [fiction]
2020 - Alexey Balabanov. Find Yours and Calm Down (Алексей Балабанов. Найти своих и успокоиться) from Lyudmila SNIGIREVA [documentary, 108 mn]
2019 - The foundling (Подкидыш) from Sergey_5 VASILYEV [fiction, 94 mn]
2019 - The Liver (Печень, или История одного стартапа) from Ivan SNEZHKIN [fiction, 90 mn]
2018 - The Green cats (Зеленые коты) from Andres PUUSTUSMAA [fiction, 106 mn]
2018 - To Paris (На Париж!) from Sergey SARKISOV [fiction]
2018 - Three Bogatyrs and the Heiress to the Throne (Три богатыря и Наследница престола) from Konstantin BRONZIT [animation, 85 mn]
2017 - Three heroes and the princess of Egypt (Три богатыря и принцесса Египта) from Konstantin FEOKTISTOV [animation, 75 mn]
2016 - Dien do (День до) from Egor BARANOV , Pavel BARDIN , Aleksandr KARPILOVSKY , Boris KHLEBNIKOV , Vladimir KOTT , Aleksandr KOTT , Karen OGANESYAN [fiction, 91 mn]
2016 - Three Bogatyrs and the Sea King (Три богатыря и Морской царь) from Konstantin FEOKTISTOV [animation, 75 mn]
2015 - And Quiet Flows the Don (Тихий Дон) from Sergey URSULIAK [documentary, full length film]
2014 - Black/White (Ч/Б) from Evgeniy SHELIAKIN [fiction, 92 mn]
2014 - Verpackungen (Верпаскунген) from Grigori DOBRYGIN [fiction, 15 mn]
2014 - Tri bogatyria : khod koniom (Три богатыря: Ход конём) from Konstantin FEOKTISTOV [animation, 74 mn]
2012 - Eternal Homecoming (Вечное возвращение) from Kira MURATOVA [fiction, 108 mn]
2012 - Life and Fate (Жизнь и судьба) from Sergey URSULIAK [fiction, 465 mn]
2011 - Burnt by the Sun 2 : Citadel (Утомленные солнцем 2 : Цитадель) from Nikita MIKHALKOV [fiction, 157 mn]
2010 - Burnt by the Sun 2: Exodus (Утомленные солнцем 2 : Предстояние) from Nikita MIKHALKOV [fiction, 180 mn]
2009 - 2-Assa-2 (2-Асса-2) from Sergey SOLOVYOV [fiction, 120 mn]
2009 - Miracle (Чудо) from Aleksandr PROSHKIN [fiction, 110 mn]
2009 - The Priest (Поп) from Vladimir KHOTINENKO [fiction, 120 mn]
2007 - Live to remember (Живи и помни) from Aleksandr PROSHKIN [fiction, 100 mn]
2007 - 12 (12) from Nikita MIKHALKOV [fiction, 153 mn]
2007 - Nevalyashka / Tumbler Toy (Неваляшка) from Roman KACHANOV jr. [fiction, 92 mn]
2007 - Temptation (Искушение) from Sergey ASHKENAZI [fiction, 78 mn]
2007 - Ruskaya igra (Русская игра) from Pavel CHUKHRAY [fiction, 98 mn]
2007 - Dushka (Душка) from Jos STELLING [fiction]
2007 - Il'ia Muromets and the Nightingale-Robber (Илья Муромец и Соловей Разбойник) from Vladimir TOROPCHIN [animation, 80 mn]
2006 - It Does'nt Hurt (Мне не больно) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 104 mn]
2006 - Infidelity (Неверность) from Evgeniy ZVEZDAKOV [fiction, 95 mn]
2006 - Carnival Night 2 (Карнавальная ночь-2, или 50 лет спустя) from Eldar RIAZANOV [fiction, 160 mn]
2006 - Dobrinya and The Dragon (Добрыня Никитич и Змей Горыныч) from Ilya MAKSIMOV [animation, 65 mn]
2005 - Blind Man's Bluff (Жмурки) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 105 mn]
2004 - 72 meters (72 метра) from Vladimir KHOTINENKO [fiction, 90 mn]
2004 - Alesha Popovich and Tugarin Zmey (Алеша Попович и Тугарин Змей) from Konstantin BRONZIT [animation, 75 mn]
2003 - The Key of the Bedroom (Ключ от спальни) from Eldar RIAZANOV [fiction, 122 mn]
2003 - Third Option (Третий вариант) from Konstantin KHUDYAKOV [fiction, 92 mn]
2002 - Neudacha Poirot (Неудача Пуаро)
2001 - Mechanical Suite (Механическая сюита) from Dmitry MESKHIEV [fiction, 100 mn]
2000 - The Captain's Daughter (Русский бунт) from Aleksandr PROSHKIN [fiction, 128 mn]
2000 - The Brother 2 (Брат 2) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 125 mn]
1998 - Of Freaks And Men (Про уродов и людей) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 93 mn]
1998 - Retro vtroyom (Ретро втроём) from Piotr TODOROVSKY [fiction, 96 mn]
1998 - Composition for Victory Day (Сочинение ко Дню Победы) from Sergey URSULIAK [fiction, 111 mn]
1997 - Three Stories (Три истории) from Kira MURATOVA [fiction, 116 mn]
1997 - On ne zavyasyval shnurki (Он не завязывал шнурки) from Aleksandr CHERNYKH [fiction, 74 mn]
1996 - Operatsiya 'S Novym godom' (Операция 'С Новым годом') from Aleksandr ROGOZHKIN [fiction, 93 mn]
1995 - Play for a Passenger (Пьеса для пассажира) from Vadim ABDRASHITOV [fiction, 103 mn]
1995 - Summer People (Летние люди) from Sergey URSULIAK [fiction, 89 mn]
1995 - Trofim (Трофимъ) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 25 mn]
1995 - Black Veil (Черная вуаль) from Aleksandr PROSHKIN [fiction, 102 mn]
1995 - Arrival of a Train (Прибытие поезда) from Aleksey BALABANOV , Vladimir KHOTINENKO , Aleksandr KHVAN , Dmitry MESKHIEV [fiction, 98 mn]
1993 - Makarov (Макаров) from Vladimir KHOTINENKO [fiction, 95 mn]
1993 - Trotsky (Троцкий) from Leonid MARYAGIN [fiction, 98 mn]
1993 - Little Men From Bolshevistsky Lane or I Want Beer (Маленькие человечки Большевистского переулка, или Хочу пива) from Andrey MALYUKOV [fiction, 98 mn]
1992 - Patrioticheskaya komediya (Патриотическая комедия) from Vladimir KHOTINENKO [fiction, 109 mn]
1992 - Moscow Parade (Прорва) from Ivan DYKHOVICHNY [fiction, 108 mn]
1992 - Nash amerikanskiy Borya (Наш американский Боря) from Boris BUSHMELEV [fiction]
1992 - Rebyonok k noyabryu (Ребенок к ноябрю)
1990 - Chernov / Chernov (Чернов. Chernov) from Sergey YURSKY [fiction]
1990 - Sons of Bitches (Сукины дети) from Leonid FILATOV [fiction, 97 mn]
1989 - The Mother (Мать) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 200 mn]
1989 - The Initiated (Посвященный) from Oleg TEPTSOV [fiction, 127 mn]
1987 - Klim Samgin's Life (Жизнь Клима Самгина) from Viktor TITOV [fiction, 1008 mn]
1987 - Topinambury (Топинамбуры) from Valentin KOZACHKOV [TV film, 140 mn]
1985 - Testament (Завещание) from Igor GOSTEV [fiction, 92 mn]
1984 - Stripe of Obstacles (Полоса препятствий) from Mikhail TUMANISHVILI [fiction, 89 mn]
1984 - Malva (Мальва) from Aleksandr ZELDOVICH [fiction, 30 mn]
1983 - Ekipazh mashiny boyevoy (Экипаж машины боевой) from Vitali VASILEVSKY [fiction, 67 mn]
Sites : Kinoteatr, IMDb

Awards :
Artiste du peuple de la Fédération de Russie (Народный артист России) (1998)
Prix de la société Kinotavr de meilleur acteur de l’année (Лауреат Премии кинокомпании "Кинотавр"), 1993
12 :
Best actor, Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2008
Temptation :
Best actor, Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2007
The Key of the Bedroom :
Best Actor in a Supporting Role, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2003
The Captain's Daughter :
Best actor, Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2000
Of Freaks And Men :
Best actor, Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 1998
Makarov :
Best actor, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 1993

Sergei Makovetsky was born in kyiv (Ukraine) on June 13, 1958. After secondary school, he did not pass his exam at the kyiv Theater Institute (Киевский театральный институт имени Карпенко-Карого) and he worked for a year in a technical department of the Lessia Ukrainka Theater in kyiv (Teатр им. Леси Украинки). The following year he was admitted to the Moscow Theatre School of B.V. Shchukin (Московскоe театральноe училищe имени Б.В.Щукина).
From 1980 he played at the Vakhtangov Theatre in Moscow (еатр имени Вахтангова ). His film debut took place in 1981 in a supporting role, his first major role was in Vitali Vassilevsky's film The Crew of a War Machine in 1983. In 1990 Sergei Makovetsky made acquaintance with the director Roman Viktiuk (Роман Виктюк), who offers him several roles in the theater.
In cinema he is one of the favorite actors of the director Vladimir Khotinenko. Their collaboration begins with the film The Comedy patriotic. He also works with Vadim Abdrachitov, Pyotr Todorovski and Alexei Balabanov.

Photos and videos

2009 - Pope (Поп) de Vladimir KHOTINENKO

2007 - 12 (12) de Nikita MIKHALKOV

2007 - Le Jeu russe (Русская игра) de Pavel TCHOUKHRAI

1998 - Des monstres et des hommes (Про уродов и людей) de Alekseï BALABANOV