Awards :
Artiste du peuple de la Fédération de Russie (Народный артист России) (1998)
Prix de la société Kinotavr de meilleur acteur de l’année (Лауреат Премии кинокомпании "Кинотавр"), 1993
Sergei Makovetsky was born in kyiv (Ukraine) on June 13, 1958. After secondary school, he did not pass his exam at the kyiv Theater Institute (Киевский театральный институт имени Карпенко-Карого) and he worked for a year in a technical department of the Lessia Ukrainka Theater in kyiv (Teатр им. Леси Украинки). The following year he was admitted to the Moscow Theatre School of B.V. Shchukin (Московскоe театральноe училищe имени Б.В.Щукина).
From 1980 he played at the Vakhtangov Theatre in Moscow (еатр имени Вахтангова ). His film debut took place in 1981 in a supporting role, his first major role was in Vitali Vassilevsky's film The Crew of a War Machine in 1983. In 1990 Sergei Makovetsky made acquaintance with the director Roman Viktiuk (Роман Виктюк), who offers him several roles in the theater.
In cinema he is one of the favorite actors of the director Vladimir Khotinenko. Their collaboration begins with the film The Comedy patriotic. He also works with Vadim Abdrachitov, Pyotr Todorovski and Alexei Balabanov.
Photos and videos
2009 - Pope (Поп) de Vladimir KHOTINENKO
2007 - 12 (12) de Nikita MIKHALKOV
2007 - Le Jeu russe (Русская игра) de Pavel TCHOUKHRAI
1998 - Des monstres et des hommes (Про уродов и людей) de Alekseï BALABANOV