Production designer
Born 1925 
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Стален Никандрович ВОЛКОВ
Filmography (extracts)
Production designer
1974 - Starling and Lyre (Скворец и лира) from Grigori ALEXANDROV [fiction, 142 mn]
1968 - The Karamazov Brothers (Братья Карамазовы) from Kirill LAVROV , Ivan PYRIEV , Mikhail ULYANOV [fiction, 231 mn]
1964 - The Light of a Distant Star (Свет далекой звезды) from Ivan PYRIEV [fiction, 145 mn]
1963 - The Living and the Dead (Живые и мертвые) from Aleksandr STOLPER [fiction, 200 mn]
1959 - The White Nights (Белые ночи) from Ivan PYRIEV [fiction, 97 mn]
1958 - Idiot (Nastasia Philippovna) (Идиот « Настасья Филипповна») from Ivan PYRIEV [fiction, 124 mn]