Rybak i tantsovshchitsa : Prix du meilleur long métrage au XVe Festival international du film documentaire
de Ekaterinbourg, 2004
Grand prix du festival « L’Eau vive » à Petropavlock-Kamtchatka
Valeri Solomine has worked in various studios including: Daltelefilm (Дальтелефильм), Novosibirsktelefilm (Новосибирсктелефильм), Irkousktelefilm (Иркутсктелефильм), North Caucasus Studios (Северо-Кавказской ст. к/хр) Studios West Siberia (Западно-Сибирской к/ст), etc.
Solomine is now artistic director of Sibir-Kino Studios (Сибирь-кино) and lives in Novosibirsk. He is also an amateur jazz pianist.
In 1998, Valery Solomin received the Vertov Prize of the Directors Guild of Russia for his "mastery in directing"
In 2005 he received the Astafiev Prize for "the truth in his documentary cinema" for the film The Fisherman and the Dancer at the Message to Man festival in Saint Petersburg in 2005.
In 1998, Valeri Solomin received the Vertov Prize from the Directors Guild of Russia for his "mastery in directing"
In 2005 he received the Astafiev Prize for "truth in his documentary cinema" for the film "The Fisherman and the Dancer" at the Message to Man festival in St. Petersburg in 2005.< br />
Died on June 9, 2017.