Born 1940, USSR
Died 2011
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Валерий Давидович РУБИНЧИК
Filmography (extracts)
2007 - Bear Hunt (Медвежья охота) [fiction, 115 mn]
2005 - Nankin Landscape (Нанкинский пейзаж) [fiction, 101 mn]
2002 - Kino pro kino (Кино про кино) [fiction, 86 mn]
1997 - Ya khochu snimatsya v kino (Я хочу сниматься в кино!) [fiction]
1995 - Landscape With Three Bathers (Пейзаж с тремя купальщицами) [fiction, 87 mn]
1991 - The Dislike (Нелюбовь) [fiction, 94 mn]
1989 - A Comedy About Lysistrata (Комедия о Лисистрате) [fiction, 99 mn]
1987 - The Apostate (Отступник) [fiction, 163 mn]
1982 - Kultpokhod v teatr (Культпоход в театр)
1979 - The Savage Hunt of King Stach (Дикая охота короля Стаха) [fiction, 134 mn]
1976 - Venok sonetov (Венок сонетов) [fiction, 90 mn]
1975 - Hamlet Shchigrovskogo uyezda (Гамлет Щигровского уезда)
1974 - Poslednee leto detsva (Последнее лето детства)
1971 - Mogila lva (Могила льва)
1969 - Krasnyy agitator Trofim Glushkov (Красный агитатор Трофим Глушков)
1967 - Shestoye lyeto (Шестое лето)
1997 - Ya khochu snimatsya v kino (Я хочу сниматься в кино!) from Valery RUBINCHIK [fiction]
1987 - The Apostate (Отступник) from Valery RUBINCHIK [fiction, 163 mn]
1979 - The Savage Hunt of King Stach (Дикая охота короля Стаха) from Valery RUBINCHIK [fiction, 134 mn]
Site : IMDb

Awards :
Nankin Landscape :
Best film, Russian program : new feature films films, Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2006
Kino pro kino :
Best Screenplay, Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2002
Kino pro kino :
Prix "Nika" du meilleur scénario (2002)
Prix de la Guilde des critiques au festival “Fenêtre sur l’Europe” à Vyborg (2002)
Nankin Landscape :
Prix du meilleur film russe au Festival International de Moscou, 2006
The Dislike :
Prix au festival «Kinotavr» en 1992 à Sotchi dans le cadre du programme «Films pour l’élite» («Фильмы для избранных»)

Director and scriptwriter. Honored Artist of Russia, prize-winner of international and national film festivals. Born in Minsk on 17 April 1940. Graduated from the Directorsí Faculty of the Belarus Theatre Institute (1962), the Directorsí Faculty of the Film Institute VGIK (1969, class of Ya. Segel). Began at the studio Belarusfilm. Since 1988 lives and works in Moscow. Head of a Directorsí Course at the Film Institute VGIK and a Directorsí Workshop at the Institute of Contemporary Art.
Source :

- La Chasse sauvage du roi Stakh, film gothique soviétique [1979, de Valeri ROUBINTCHIK] Hervé AUBERT, 2019,
- Un genre en miettes ? Retour sur l’absence du film d’horreur dans la Russie soviétique , Andrey KOZOVOÏ, 2008, 1895, 55, AFRHC
- Valerii Rubinchik : Nanking Landscape (Nankinskii peizazh, 2006) , Susan LARSEN, 2007,