Born 1894, Russia
Died 1976
Abram ROOM
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Абрам Матвеевич РООМ
Abram ROOM
Filmography (extracts)
1971 - Premature Man (Преждевременный человек) [102 mn]
1969 - Belated Flowers (Цветы запоздалые) [fiction, 101 mn]
1964 - The Garnet Bracelet (Гранатовый браслет) [fiction, 91 mn]
1956 - The Heart Beats Anew (Сердце бьется вновь) [fiction, 93 mn]
1955 - The Mystery of the Eternal Night (Тайна вечной ночи) [fiction, 75 mn]
1953 - Silvery Dust (Серебристая пыль) [fiction, 102 mn]
1952 - School for Scandal (Школа злословия) [fiction, 161 mn]
1949 - The Court of Honour (Суд чести) [fiction, 100 mn]
1946 - In the Mountains of Yugoslavia (В горах Югославии) [fiction, 86 mn]
1944 - Invasion (Нашествие) [fiction, 100 mn]
1942 - Tonya (Тоня)
1942 - Nashi devushki (Наши девушки) [32 mn]
1941 - Veter s Vostoka (Ветер с Востока) [fiction, 88 mn]
1939 - Eskadrilya N°5 (Эскадрилья № 5) [fiction, 90 mn]
1936 - A Severe Young Man (Строгий юноша) [fiction, 100 mn]
1931 - Manometr-1 (Манометр-1)
1931 - Manometr-2 (Манометр-2)
1929 - The Ghost that Does Not Return (Привидение, которое не возвращается) [fiction, 85 mn]
1928 - Pot-holes / Pot-holes of Life (Ухабы) [fiction, 76 mn]
1928 - Plan velikikh rabot (План великих работ)
1927 - Bed and Sofa (Третья Мещанская) [fiction, 74 mn]
1927 - Jew on the Land (Евреи на земля) [documentary]
1926 - The Bay of Death (Бухта смерти) [fiction, 64 mn]
1926 - The Traitor (Предатель) [fiction, 77 mn]
1926 - Krasnaya Presnya (Красная Пресня)
1924 - Gonka za samogonkoy (Гонка за самогонкой)
1924 - Chto govorit "Mos", sey otgadayte vopros (Что говорит "мос", сей отгадайте вопрос)
1977 - Enemies (Враги) from Rodion NAKHAPETOV [fiction, 77 mn]
1969 - Belated Flowers (Цветы запоздалые) from Abram ROOM [fiction, 101 mn]
1964 - The Garnet Bracelet (Гранатовый браслет) from Abram ROOM [fiction, 91 mn]
1927 - Bed and Sofa (Третья Мещанская) from Abram ROOM [fiction, 74 mn]
1924 - Chto govorit "Mos", sey otgadayte vopros (Что говорит "мос", сей отгадайте вопрос)
1927 - Kiss of Mary Pickford (Поцелуй Мэри Пикфорд) from Sergey KOMAROV [fiction, 90 mn]
1969 - Belated Flowers (Цветы запоздалые) from Abram ROOM [fiction, 101 mn]
Sites : IMDb,

Abram Room was born in Lithuania, in Vilno, in 1894. He studied neuropsychology from 1915 to 1917 in Petrograd. After fighting in the Red Army, he worked as a dentist and then as a journalist. In 1919 he turned to the theater, which he already attended as an amateur at university. Until 1923 he was the director of the experimental children's theater in Saratov, then, in 1924, at the Revolutionary Theater in Moscow. He approached the cinema in 1924 by making short advertising films. As part of an anti-alcohol campaign, he also shoots a comedy Hunting the Underground Distillers.
With his first film, made in 1926, The Bay of Death , he immediately established himself as a leading filmmaker. Indeed, he immediately manifests a powerful vision of history supported by a great lyrical talent in the use of the image and the choice of angles, frames, cutting. The following films confirm his gifts. The audacity of the subject and the image come together in Three in a basement (1927) and in Cahots (1928) which deal with the new sexual morality. In 1930, The Ghost Who Does Not Return aroused admiration: he was compared to Fritz Lang for his sense of geometry, but also to Resnais for the mixture of dream and reality. , to Orson Welles for the human type he had created in the person of the plainclothes police officer. A pioneer, in 1928 he made the first Soviet sound film Le Plan des grands travaux , a documentary.
Room affirmed that the vocation of cinema was to represent contemporary life: "preeminence, he said in 1925, belongs to living men". He is interested in psychology, facial expressions. His style is characterized by continuous cutting, long shots ( The Bay of Death contains one of 2 minutes and 12 seconds). He died in Moscow in 1976.

Commentaries and bibliography
- Beyond the canon: Soviet cinema 2024,
- Le Centre russe à Paris lance son mois de la littérature française dans le cinéma soviétique 2023, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Бухта смерти АБРАМ РООМ [Dossier sur le film La Baie de la mort, 1926, de Abram Room] 2017,
- Лента длиною в эпоху. Шедевры советского кино , Neya ZORKAYA, 2017, Bely Gorod
- A Severe Young Man [Строгий юноша, director : Abram ROOM, 1936] , Gerald McCAUSLAND, 2012,
- Trois dans un sous-sol (Abram Room, 1927) Claudine FAUROUX, 2012,
- Camp Cinema : Russian Style 2012,
- Второй план в советском кино , Yevgeni MARGOLIT, 2012,
- Entre la chambre à coucher et le chantier Trois DVD soviétiques des années trente. Éditions Montparnasse. , Emile BRETON, 2009,
- La Moscou du « plan stalinien » à travers l’œuvre de L’OST et la fiction cinématographique , Valérie POZNER, Élisabeth ESSAIAN, Cécile PICHON-BONIN, 2007, Presses Universitaires de Rennes
- Bed and Sofa : The Film Companion , Julian GRAFFY, 2001, I.B.Tauris
- Les origines du cinéma soviétique : un regard neuf , Myriam TSIKOUNAS, 1992, Cerf