Born 1901, Russia
Died 1971
Mikhail ROMM
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Михаил Ильич РОММ
Mikhaïl ROMM
Filmography (extracts)
1974 - I Do Believe (И все-таки я верю) [documentary, 120 mn]
1965 - Ordinary Fascism / Triumph Over Violence (Обыкновенный фашизм) [documentary, 138 mn]
1961 - Nine days of one year (Девять дней одного года) [fiction, 111 mn]
1956 - The Murder on Dante Street (Убийство на улице Данте) [fiction, 104 mn]
1953 - Admiral Ushakov (Адмирал Ушаков) [fiction, 107 mn]
1953 - The Men-of-War Storm Bastions (Корабли штурмуют бастионы) [fiction, 94 mn]
1950 - Secret Mission (Секретная миссия) [fiction, 86 mn]
1947 - The Russian Issue (Русский вопрос) [fiction, 91 mn]
1944 - No. 217 (Человек 217) [fiction, 101 mn]
1941 - Dream (Мечта) [fiction, 100 mn]
1939 - Lenin in 1918 (Ленин в 1918 году) [fiction, 112 mn]
1937 - Lenin in October (Ленин в октябре) [fiction, 103 mn]
1936 - Thirteen (Тринадцать) [fiction, 87 mn]
1934 - Crumpet (Пышка) [fiction, 69 mn]
1974 - I Do Believe (И все-таки я верю) from Mikhail ROMM [documentary, 120 mn]
1965 - Ordinary Fascism / Triumph Over Violence (Обыкновенный фашизм) from Mikhail ROMM [documentary, 138 mn]
1961 - Nine days of one year (Девять дней одного года) from Mikhail ROMM [fiction, 111 mn]
1941 - Dream (Мечта) from Mikhail ROMM [fiction, 100 mn]
1936 - Thirteen (Тринадцать) from Mikhail ROMM [fiction, 87 mn]
1965 - Ordinary Fascism / Triumph Over Violence (Обыкновенный фашизм) from Mikhail ROMM [documentary, 138 mn]
Sites : IMDb, Chapaev

Author :

Awards :
Artiste du peuple de l’Union Soviétique (1950)
No. 217 :
Best Directing, Festival de Cannes, Cannes (France), 1946
Nine days of one year :
Grand Prix du Festival International de Karlovy-Vary, 1962
Crumpet :
Prix au Festival de Venise, 1935
Lenin in 1918 :
Prix Staline de 1er niveau pour Mikhail Romm, Aleksei Kapler, Nikolai Okhlopkov, et Boris Chtchoukine (à titre posthume), 1943.
Ordinary Fascism / Triumph Over Violence :
Prix spécial et prix de la critique au Festival international du film de Leipzig, 1965

Mikhail Romm was born in 1901, into a Russian-Jewish family, in the Siberian city of Irkutsk, Russia. He served in the Red Army in 1918-21 as an Inspector of the Special Forces for Food Supplies. He was in charge of confiscations of bread and food from the wealthier farmers (kulaks) in Central Russia. Romm later was avoiding any discussions regarding this painful memories, though he used his experience in the films about Lenin. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Arts and Technology as a sculptor (1925), where he studied under Anna Golubkina. Worked as a sculptor and interpreter. In 1928-30 he worked at Institute for extra-scholastic studies as researcher on the theory of Cinematography. From 1931 he worked at Mosfilm Studios, where he made his first film 'Pyshka' (1934). His next film '13' (1936) was considered the first Soviet "eastern" (a Soviet answer to "western"). During the years of "Great Terror" under Joseph Stalin Romm made two features and a documentary about Lenin. His criminal drama 'Murder on the Dante Street' (1956) was the first film for the great Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy. After an eight-year brake Romm made his 'Nine Days in One Year' (1962). It was an excellent psychological drama about the life and death of nuclear physicists. After the political shifts during and after the "Thaw", started by Nikita Khrushchev, Romm devoted his talent to documentary material. He worked like a sculptor, cutting through the massive Nazi archives of documentaries in Germany. His work was rewarded with an astounding result - 'Tiumph over violence' (1965) in which he also was a narrator. His last film 'I vse-taki Ya Veryu' (1974) was finished by his disciples Marlen Khutsiev and Elem Klimov. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Steve Shelokhonov

- 5 movies about Vladimir Lenin that you can watch ONLINE Nikolai KORNATSKY, 2024, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Beyond the canon: Soviet cinema 2024,
- Les cinq meilleurs films sur Vladimir Lénine que vous pouvez voir en ligne Nikolaï KORNATSKI, 2024, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Neuf films russes «clonés» par Hollywood Anna NEKHAÏEVA, 2023, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Пышка (1934) [A propos du film Boule de suif de Mikhail Romm] 2022,
- Армен Медведев : "вся история нашего кино c 1960-х годов — это моя история" [Interview de Armen Medvedev (1938-2022), historien du cinéma] , Armen MEDVEDEV, , Natalya RYABCHIKOVA, Андрей АПОСТОЛОВ, 2022,
- Les quinze films étrangers et soviétiques préférés de Joseph Staline 2022, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Quand le cinéma soviétique puisait son inspiration dans les lettres françaises Maria SOKOLOVSKAIA, 2022, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Comment Mikhaïl Romm, réalisateur d’un film sur Lénine, a déconstruit le nazisme Valeria PAÏKOVA, 2021, RUSSIA BEYOND
- RUSSIA BEYOND : Cinq films soviétiques qui ont montré la Seconde Guerre mondiale sous un jour nouveau Valeria PAÏKOVA, 2021, RUSSIA BEYOND
- Ordinary Fascism (1965)_Eng subs. Film de Mikhaïl Romm 2019,
- 2017 : Lénine n’a pas pris une ride… Lucie HEYME, 2017,
- Cinematic Cold War : The American and Soviet Struggle for Hearts and Minds , Denise YOUNGBLOOD, Tony SHAW, 2010, University Press of Kansas
- Обыкновенный фашизм , Yuri KHANIUTIN, , Mikhail ROMM, , Maya TUROVSKAJA, 2006, Seans, collection : Shedevry sovetskogo kino
- À propos de l’image de la France dans quelques films soviétiques (1929-1956) Natalia IAKOVLEVA, 2003, Presses Universitaires du Midi, Le Cinéma "stalinien"
- Михаил Ромм и его фильмы , Mark ZAK, 1988, Искусство
- Romm , Group of authors, 1981, in Association France-URSS, n°3
- Михаил Ромм и традиции советской кинорежиссуры , Mark ZAK, 1975, Исскуство
- Печать времени. Нея Зоркая о творчестве Михаила Ромма , Neya ZORKAYA, 1966,
- Девять дней одного года , Daniil KHRABROVITSKY, , Mikhail ROMM, 1962, Искусство
- Человек но. 217 : сценарий в 13 эпизодах , Evgeniy GABRILOVICH, , Mikhail ROMM, 1943, Госкиноиздать
- Тринадцать : киносценарий , Iosif PRUT, , Mikhail ROMM, 1936, Кинофотиздать