Sound designer
Born 1951, USSR
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Виктор Иванович СУХОРУКОВ
Filmography (extracts)
2023 - Five percent (Пять процентов) from Dmitry SVETOZAROV [fiction, 104 mn]
2023 - World ! Friendship ! Chewing gum ! (Мир! Дружба! Жвачка) from Anton FEDOROV [serial, 45 mn]
2022 - Infiltration (Своя война. Шторм в пустыне) from Aleksey CHADOV [fiction, 110 mn]
2022 - Mikulay (Микулай) from Ilshat RAKHIMBAY [fiction, 148 mn]
2022 - Jazz 100 (Джаз 100) from Aleksandr BRYNTSEV [fiction, 114 mn]
2021 - World Champion (Чемпион мира) from Aleksey SIDOROV [fiction, 145 mn]
2020 - Back to the Sarmatian Steppe (Назад в степь к Сарматам) from Aleksandr PROSHKIN [fiction, 98 mn]
2020 - The Terrible (Грозный) from Aleksey ANDRIANOV [fiction]
2018 - Stars (Звезды) from Aleksandr NOVIKOV-YANGINOV [fiction, 98 mn]
2018 - Bestelesnaya komanda. Prikliuchenia soldata Kablukova (Бестелесная команда. Приключения солдата Каблукова) from Dmitry KUPRYANOV , Aleksey TURKUS [animation, 13 mn]
2016 - Paradise (Рай) from Andrey KONCHALOVSKY [fiction, 131 mn]
2015 - Celestial Camel (Небесный верблюд) from Yuri FETING [fiction, 90 mn]
2015 - Orlean (Орлеан) from Andrey PROSHKIN [fiction, 110 mn]
2015 - Ovechka Dolly byla zlaia i rano umerla (Овечка Долли была злая и рано умерла) from Aleksey PIMANOV [fiction, 109 mn]
2015 - The Guards (Охрана) from Aleksandr PROSHKIN [fiction, 116 mn]
2014 - Mystery of the Dark Room (Тайна темной комнаты) from Olga BELYAEVA [fiction, 76 mn]
2013 - Weekend (Weekend / Уик-энд) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 95 mn]
2013 - Belosinee bezmolvie (Белосинее безмолвие) from Vadim OBORVALOV [animation, 2 mn]
2012 - Atonement (Искупление) from Aleksandr PROSHKIN [fiction, 123 mn]
2011 - Chippendale (Чиппендейл) from Kamila SAFINA [fiction, 16 mn]
2011 - The Prince And the Big Gray Wolf (Иван Царевич и Серый Волк) from Vladimir TOROPCHIN [animation, 80 mn]
2010 - Silent Souls (Овсянки) from Aleksey FEDORCHENKO [fiction, 75 mn]
2010 - Hamlet 21st Century (Гамлет ХХI век) from Yuri KARA [fiction, 145 mn]
2010 - Jazz Style (В стиле jazz) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 90 mn]
2010 - Yakuza's Daughter never cries (Дочь Якудзы) from Sergey BODROV , Gulshad OMAROVA [fiction, full length film]
2009 - Sonny (Сынок) from Larisa SADILOVA [fiction, 90 mn]
2009 - Pussycat (Кошечка) from Grigori KONSTANTINOPOLSKY [fiction, 100 mn]
2008 - The Passenger (Пассажирка) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 90 mn]
2008 - Guilty without Guilt (Без вины виноватые) from Gleb PANFILOV [fiction, 136 mn]
2007 - Daring Days (Дерзкие дни) from Ruslan BALTSER [fiction, 84 mn]
2007 - Best of Times (Лучшее время года) from Svetlana PROSKURINA [fiction, 93 mn]
2007 - Agitbrigada 'Beat the Enemy' (Агитбригада 'Бей врага!') from Vitali MELNIKOV [fiction, 122 mn]
2006 - The Island (Остров) from Pavel LUNGIN [fiction, 112 mn]
2006 - Pushkin. The Last Duel (Пушкин. Последняя дуэль) from Natalya BONDARCHUK [fiction, 103 mn]
2005 - Blind Man's Bluff (Жмурки) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 105 mn]
2005 - Not by Bread Alone (Не хлебом единым) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 112 mn]
2005 - The Graveyard Shift (Ночной продавец) from Valery ROZHNOV [fiction, 85 mn]
2005 - Pyervyj posle boga (Первый после Бога) from Vasili CHIGINSKY [fiction, 97 mn]
2005 - Zvezda epohi (Звезда эпохи) from Yuri KARA [fiction, serial, 364 mn]
2004 - The Goddess (Богиня: как я полюбила) from Renata LITVINOVA [fiction, 105 mn]
2004 - Call Me Genie! (Зови меня Джинн !) from Ilya KHOTINENKO [fiction, 85 mn]
2004 - Schizo (Шиza) from Gulshad OMAROVA [fiction, 86 mn]
2004 - The Iris Effect (Изгнанник) from Nikolay LEBEDEV [fiction, 88 mn]
2003 - Poor Poor Pavel (Бедный бедный Павел) from Vitali MELNIKOV [fiction, 100 mn]
2003 - Karlik Nos (Карлик Нос) from Ilya MAKSIMOV [animation, 82 mn]
2003 - Zolotoy vek (Золотой век)
2002 - Antikiller (Антикиллер) from Egor KONCHALOVSKY [fiction, 111 mn]
2002 - Teoriya zapoya (Теория запоя) from Natalya POGONICHEVA [fiction, 70 mn]
2001 - The Tale Of Fedot, The Shooter (Сказ про Федота-стрельца) from Sergey OVCHAROV [fiction, 105 mn]
2000 - Alkhimiki (Алхимики) from Dmitry ASTRAKHAN [fiction, full length film]
2000 - The Brother 2 (Брат 2) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 125 mn]
1998 - Of Freaks And Men (Про уродов и людей) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 93 mn]
1998 - Love Is Cruel (Любовь зла...) from Vladimir ZAYKIN [fiction, 79 mn]
1997 - Brother (Брат) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 96 mn]
1997 - All My Lenins (Все мои Ленины) from Hardi VOLMER [fiction, 103 mn]
1996 - Operatsiya 'S Novym godom' (Операция 'С Новым годом') from Aleksandr ROGOZHKIN [fiction, 93 mn]
1995 - Agnus Dei (Агнус Дей) from Semyon ARANOVICH [fiction]
1995 - Musyka lyubvi: Robert i Klara Schuman (Музыка любви: Роберт и Клара Шуман) from Jacques CORTAL [TV film]
1994 - The Year of Dog (Год Собаки) from Semyon ARANOVICH [fiction, 133 mn]
1994 - Castle (Замок) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 110 mn]
1994 - Without Return Address (Без обратного адреса) from Konstantin KHUDYAKOV [fiction, 82 mn]
1993 - Khromye vnidut pervymi (Хромые внидут первыми) from Mikhail KATS [fiction, 110 mn]
1993 - Prisoners of Luck (Пленники удачи) from Maksim PEZHEMSKY [fiction, 80 mn]
1992 - The Darkness (Тьма) from Igor MASLENNIKOV [fiction, 58 mn]
1992 - A Prison Comedy (Комедия строгого режима) from Mikhail GRIGORYEV , Vladimir STUDENNIKOV [fiction, 78 mn]
1992 - The Key (Ключ) from Pavel CHUKHRAY [TV film, 58 mn]
1991 - Happy Days (Счастливые дни) from Aleksey BALABANOV [fiction, 86 mn]
1991 - Austrian field (Австрийское поле) from Andrey CHERNYKH [fiction, 89 mn]
1990 - Sideburns (Бакенбарды) from Yuri MAMIN [fiction, 94 mn]
1990 - Krepkiy muzhik (Крепкий мужик) from Valery SMIRNOV [TV film]
1988 - The Presomption of Innocence (Презумпция невиновности) from Evgeniy TATARSKY [fiction, 88 mn]
1983 - Yuvelirnoe delo (Ювелирное дело) from Lev TSUTSULKOVSKI [fiction, 88 mn]
1983 - Black and White Magic (Магия черная и белая) from Naum BIRMAN [fiction, 76 mn]
1973 - With And Without You (С тобой и без тебя) from Rodion NAKHAPETOV [fiction, 86 mn]
Sound designer
2018 - Bestelesnaya komanda. Prikliuchenia soldata Kablukova (Бестелесная команда. Приключения солдата Каблукова) from Dmitry KUPRYANOV , Aleksey TURKUS [animation, 13 mn]
Sites : Sukhorukov, Kino-teatr, IMDb

Author :

Awards :
Prix Nika du meilleur rôle masculin pur le film Pauvre, pauvre Pavel, 2003
Prix du meilleur rôle masculin au Festival Littérature et cinéma (Gatchina) pour le film Pauvre, pauvre Pavel, 2004
Prix du meilleur rôle masculin au Festival Littérature et cinéma (Gatchina) pour le film L'Homme ne vit pas que de pain , 2006
Aigle d'or du meilleur second rôle masculin,pour le film L'Ile, 2006
Elephant blanc (Guilde des historiens et critiques de cinéma) du meilleur second rôle masculin, pour le film L'Ile, 2006
Prix Nika du meilleur second rôle masculin, pour le film L'Ile, 2006
Mikulay :
Best actor, Prize of the Guild of Film Critics and Historians of Russia, Moscow (Russia), 2022
Silent Souls :
Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2011
The Island :
Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2007
Best Actor in a Supporting Role, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2006
Poor Poor Pavel :
Best actor, Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2003
Best actor, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2003

Viktor Sukhorukov was born on November 10, 1951 in Orekhovo-Zuev, Moscow Region. In 1978 he graduated from the State Institute of Theatre Arts GITIS (ГИТИС), where he was a student of L. Kniazeva.
From 1978 to 1982, Viktor Sukhorukov was an actor at the Leningrad Academic Akimov Comedy Theatre (St. Petersburg). From 1986 to 1993, he played at the Lenin Komsomol Theatre (now the Baltic House), and from 1993 to 1995 at the Na Liteinom (на Литейном) Theatre. Since 1995 he has been an actor at the Akimov Academic Theatre again.
His first major film role was in Yuri Mamin's The Favourites (Бакенбарды) in 1990.

Photos and videos

Tous mes Lénines (Все мои Ленины), 1997

Tous mes Lénines (Все мои Ленины), 1997

Le Frère (Брат), 1997

Des monstres et des hommes (Про уродов и людей), 1998

Pauvre pauvre Pavel (Бедный бедный Павел), 2003

L'Ile (Остров), 2006