Born 1945, USSR
Died 2023
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Вадим Юсупович АБДРАШИТОВ
Filmography (extracts)
2003 - Magnetic Storms (Магнитные бури) [fiction, 93 mn]
1997 - The Dancer’s Time (Время танцора) [fiction, 163 mn]
1995 - Play for a Passenger (Пьеса для пассажира) [fiction, 103 mn]
1991 - Armavir (Армавир) [fiction, 130 mn]
1988 - Servant (Слуга) [fiction, 141 mn]
1986 - Plyumbum Or A Dangerous Game (Плюмбум, или опасная игра) [fiction, 97 mn]
1984 - Planets’ Parade (Парад планет) [fiction, 97 mn]
1982 - The Train Has Stopped (Остановился поезд) [fiction, 96 mn]
1980 - Fox Hunting (Охота на лис) [fiction, 97 mn]
1978 - The Turn (Поворот) [fiction, 99 mn]
1976 - A Word For Defense (Слово для защиты) [fiction, 98 mn]
1974 - Ostanovite Potapova! (Остановите Потапова!) [fiction, 33 mn]
1973 - Reportazh s asfalta (Репортаж с асфальта) [documentary, 8 mn]
1973 - Reportazh s asfalta (Репортаж с асфальта) from Vadim ABDRASHITOV [documentary, 8 mn]
Sites : IMDb, Chapaev

Author :

Awards :
Special Prize, Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Russia, 2015
Magnetic Storms :
Best directing, Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2004
Best directing, Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2003
Best directing, "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2003
Special Jury prize, Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2003
The Dancer’s Time :
First prize, Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 1998
Play for a Passenger :
Silver Bear, Berlin International Film Festival : Berlinale, Berlin (Germany), 1995
Servant :
Special Prize, Berlin International Film Festival : Berlinale, Berlin (Germany), 1989
Plyumbum Or A Dangerous Game :
Italian Senate's Gold Medal, Venice International Film Festival, Venice (Italy), 1987
The Dancer’s Time :
Prix du meilleur scénario au concours « zerkalo » consacré au centenaire du cinéma, 1996 Prix Nika du meilleur scénario, 1997 Premier prix au Festival "Kinotavr", 1998
Magnetic Storms :
Prix de la meilleure réalisation au Festival Pacific Meridian de Vladivostok, 2003
Planets’ Parade :
"Plateau d'or" de la meilleure réalisation au Festival de Avellino, 1985
Servant :
Prix du Jury Oecuménique au Festival de Berlin, 1989
Prix Nika du meilleur scénario, 1989

Born in 1945 in Kharkov. Studied at the Alma-Ata technical school of railroad transport (1959—1961), in the Moscow institute of physics and technology (1961—1964). Graduated from MHTI (1967) and the directors’ department of VGIK (1974, started to study with M.Romm, then studied with L.Kulidzhanov). With the course movie «Stop Potapov!» he defended the diploma and finished the institute a year earlier. Since 1974 he is a director at «Mosfilm» Studio. A teacher at VGIK (head of the class of fiction film direction). Merited worker of arts of the Russian Federation (1987). Winner of the Lenin komsomol prize (1979). Winner of the Vasiliev Brothers state prize of the Russian Federation (1984). Winner of the state prize of the USSR (1988). Winner of the «Golden Oven» prize (1997) and «Nika» (2003).

- «Чую бездну, а откуда дышит она — не вижу»: мертвая петля неожиданного прозрения в фильмах Вадима Абдрашитова [« Je sens l'abîme, mais je ne vois pas d'où il respire » : la boucle morte de la perspicacité inattendue dans les films de Vadim Abdrashitov] , Lev ANNINSKY, 2023,
- Квартира, класс, двор — и снова квартира: подростки советского кино в поисках настоящего продолженного [Les adolescents dans le cinéma soviétique] Ирина МАРГОЛИНА, 2023,
- Преступление и осознание: о первых фильмах Абдрашитова и Миндадзе [Crime et conscience : à propos des premiers films d'Abdrashitov et Mindadze] Валерия КОСЕНКО, 2023,
- Le cinéma russe, vingt-cinq ans déjà... , Marilyne FELLOUS, 2010,
- The imperial trace : recent Russian cinema , Nancy CONDEE, 2009, Oxford University Press
- 90-е. Кино, которое мы потеряли , Larisa MALUKOVA, 2007, Зебра Е ; 2007 г.
- Vadim Abdrashitov: Magnetic Storms (Magnitnye buri) (2003) , Birgit BEUMERS, 2003,