Александра ЛИХАЧЕВА
Russia, 2014, 57mn 
Colour, documentary
Dlinnoe. Chernoe. Oblako opuskaetsia
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Длинное. Черное. Облако опускается


 Long. Black. Cloud is Coming Down

 Long. Noir. Le nuage descend

Directed by : Aleksandra LIKHACHEVA (Александра ЛИХАЧЕВА)

Plot synopsis
Their parents have built communism, their grand-parents won a victory over fascism – and they have nothing to build and nobody to win. Two young Moscow citizens ride through all the big country to see sportive events of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and Russia beyond MKAD (Moscow Ring Road).

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- International Documentary Film Festival "Flahertiana", Perm (Russia), 2015