Aleksandr SHEYN
Александр ШЕЙН
Aleksandr CHEÏNE
Russia, 2014, 95mn 
Colour, documentary
Timour Novikov. Nol Obekt
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Тимур Новиков. Ноль Объект


 Timur Novikov. Object-Zero

 Timour Novikov. Objectif Zéro

Directed by : Aleksandr SHEYN (Александр ШЕЙН)
Music : Demyan KURCHENKO (Демьян КУРЧЕНКО)
Produced by : Giya LORKIPANIDZE (Гия ЛОРДКИПАНИДЗЕ), Yevgeni MITTA (Евгений МИТТА), Aleksandr SHEYN (Александр ШЕЙН), Viktor TAKNOV (Виктор ТАКНОВ)

Plot synopsis
The film tells the story of the Soviet societal and artistic revolution in the 80s made by an artist and one of the key actors of the Leningrad counterculture Timur Novikov. He founded The New Artists group that brought together musicians, artists, composers and film directors driven by the same aspirations, sharing common love for rock-music and unlimited freedom of spirit. This artistic space extending well beyond social realism guaranteed them an entry to the international community. Билеты

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2014