Vladimir PARVEL
Владимир ПАРВЕЛЬ
Vladimir PARVEL
USSR (Estonia), 1948, 11mn 
Black and white, documentary
Kevadpäev kodumaal
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Kevadpäev kodumaal


 Springday in homeland

 Notre jour de printemps

Directed by : Vladimir PARVEL (Владимир ПАРВЕЛЬ)
Cinematography : Vladimir PARVEL (Владимир ПАРВЕЛЬ)
Companies : Tallinnfilm
Distribution : Archives du film d'Estonie (ivi.tomingas@ra.ee)

Plot synopsis
This propaganda film demonstrates the joy of living in Estonia thanks to society's progress in the realms of health, nutrition, sports, industry, work and culture...

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France), 2012
