Vladimir KOPUSH
Владимир КОПУШ
Vladimir KOPOUCH
Russia, 2009, 14mn 
Colour, fiction
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Directed by : Vladimir KOPUSH (Владимир КОПУШ)
Writing credits : Vladimir KOPUSH (Владимир КОПУШ)
Cinematography : Mikhail BLINTSOV (Михаил БЛИНЦОВ)
Production design : Vladimir KOPUSH (Владимир КОПУШ)
Other persons :
Cast : Александр САЛЧАК (Alexander SALCHAK), Эдуард (Тадырыкбай) ОНДАР, (Eduard (Tadyrykbai) ONDAR), Моге ООРЖАК (Moge OORZHAK), Милана МОГЕДИР (Milana MOGEDIR)
Production : VGIK

Awards :
Award of the All-Russian Film Festival of Auteur Film “Artkino” in Moscow, 2009

Plot synopsis
The movie is about the karmic circle of human destiny. When translated from Tuva language, “Ochalan” means a Buddhist notion of the wheel, a constant circle of life, destiny, space. While the movie “Ochalan” tells a story of first love that hardly started to arise but eventually not having taken place, a story of fatal fate. How great simple human happiness might be – this is the main idea of the movie.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- International Human Rights Film Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2010