Sergueï BODROV
USSR (Kazakhstan), 1984, 85mn 
Colour, fiction
Sladkiy sok vnutri travy
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Сладкий сок внутри травы


 Sladkiy sok vnutri travy

 Le Jus de l’herbe a le goût du miel

Directed by : Sergey BODROV (Сергей БОДРОВ)
Writing credits : Sergey BODROV (Сергей БОДРОВ)
Gulshad OMAROVA (Гульшад ОМАРОВА) ...Siourik
Companies : Kazakhfilm
format : 35 mm

Plot synopsis
"Sweet dreams of the grass is my first movie. It's a simple love story of a 14-years-old girl. When the film was finished, I had a problem with the censorship, because I had shot few scenes in a military hospital with wounded soldiers from Afghanistan - an "unknown war" for the Soviet people. My name was removed from the credits. Thirteen years later, I'm really happy to have this film in my program."

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- FEMA / La Rochelle International Film Festival, La Rochelle (France), 1997