Nikolay_4 VOLKOV
Николай_4 ВОЛКОВ
Nikolaï_4 VOLKOV
Russia, 2012, 39mn 
Ioann & Marfa
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Иоанн да Марфа


 Ioann et Marfa

 Ioann da Marfa

Directed by : Nikolay_4 VOLKOV (Николай_4 ВОЛКОВ)

Plot synopsis
The film in a fictional and documentary form, relying on an associative video sequence, tells about the events of Russian history at the end of the 15th century – the time of the “gathering of Russian lands”, when the troops of the autocratic Grand Duke of Moscow John III defeated and conquered the Novgorod Veche Republic.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- International Documentary Film Festival "Flahertiana", Perm (Russia), 2021