Youssouf RAZYKOV
Russia, 2017, 76mn 
Turetskoye sedlo
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Турецкое седло


 Turkish saddle

 La Selle turcique

Directed by : Yusuf RAZYKOV (Юсуф РАЗЫКОВ)
Writing credits : Yusuf RAZYKOV (Юсуф РАЗЫКОВ)
Valery MASLOV (Валерий МАСЛОВ )
Vitali DAUSHEV (Виталий ДАУШЕВ )
Produced by : Philip BRUSNIKIN (Филипп БРУСНИКИН ), Aleksandr GADALOV (Александр ГАДАЛОВ), Daria LAVROVA (Дарья ЛАВРОВА), Denis LUZANOV (Денис ЛУЗАНОВ), Yusuf RAZYKOV (Юсуф РАЗЫКОВ)
Companies : «Тритона» / "Triton"
Film revenue in Russia : 0.0048 million dollars
Spectators : 1 300
Release Date in Russia : 12/04/2018

Awards :
Best music Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2017
Guild of Historians of Cinema and Film Critics Diploma Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2017
Special Prize International Human Rights Film Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2017

Plot synopsis
The film′s hero, Ilyich, cannot understand what′s wrong with him. Ilyich is a former «mole», an external observation agent in the KGB, then FSB. A skilled instructor. Now he is retired. From loneliness, he continues to watch those who catch his attention and curiosity. The doctor diagnoses him with empty sella syndrome (the syndrome of an empty Turkish Seat), which poses no danger for society… Sella turcica is the Latin name for the part of the brain where the pituitary gland (hypophysis) is located; in English, it is called the Turkish Seat. Migraines, dizziness, speech disorders, memory problems, asthenia — all these are signs for a disturbance in this area, called in medicine «Syndrome of the Turkish Seat».

Yusup Razykov: Sella Turcica (Turetskoe sedlo, 2017), Seth GRAHAM, Kinokultura, 2018

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- International Human Rights Film Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2019
- "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2018
- Russian Film Week in Paris : Regards de Russie, Paris (France), 2017
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2017
- Russische Filmwoche in Berlin, Berlin (Germany), 2017
- Sputnik nad Polska, Warsaw (Poland), 2017
- Warsaw Film Festival, Warsaw (Poland), 2017
- Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2017
- International Human Rights Film Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2017
- "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival (formerly ''A Window to Europe''), Vyborg (Russia), 2017
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2017
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2017
- Russian Film Week in London, London (United Kingdom), 2017