Russia / France, 2005, 103mn 
Colour, fiction
Bednyye rodstvyenniki
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Бедные родственники



 Familles à vendre

Directed by : Pavel LUNGIN (Павел ЛУНГИН)
Writing credits : Pavel LUNGIN (Павел ЛУНГИН), Gennadi OSTROVSKY (Геннадий ОСТРОВСКИЙ)
Yekaterina BARYMOVA (Екатерина БАРЫМОВА) ...La sirène
Yevgeniya DMITRIEVA (Евгения ДМИТРИЕВА) ...Olga
Yelena GALIBINA (Елена ГАЛИБИНА) ...La mère d'Aliona
Sergey GARMASH (Сергей ГАРМАШ) ...Yacha
Marina GOLUB (Марина ГОЛУБ) ...Bella
Esther GORINTIN (Эстер ГОРЕНТЕН) ...Esther
Aleksandr ILIN (Александр ИЛЬИН) ...Le maire de la ville
Philippe IVANCHENKO (Филипп ИВАНЧЕНКО) ...Sacha
Leonid KANEVSKY (Леонид КАНЕВСКИЙ) ...Barouch
Konstantin KHABENSKY (Константин ХАБЕНСКИЙ) ...Edouard Letov (Edik)
Yekaterina KIBOVSKAIA (Екатерина КИБОВСКАЯ) ...Aliona
Natalia KOLIAKANOVA (Наталья КОЛЯКАНОВА) ...Regina
Grégoire LEPRINCE-RINGET (Грегуар ЛЕПРЕНС-РЕНГЕ) ...Marc-Yves
Miglen MIRCHEV (Миглен МИРЧЕВ) ...Andrew
Mikhail PORYGIN (Михаил ПОРЫГИН) ...Miroslav
Vladimir SALNIKOV (Владимир САЛЬНИКОВ) ...Kovchikov
Marianna SHULTZ (Марианна ШУЛЬЦ) ...Nina
Piotr SOLDATOV (Пётр СОЛДАТОВ) ...Grand père Gritsyne
Daniil SPIVAKOVSKY (Даниил СПИВАКОВСКИЙ) ...Tsaussaki
Otto TAUSIG (Отто ТАУСИГ) ...Samuel
Konstantin VOROBYOV (Константин ВОРОБЬЕВ) ...Micha
Igor ZHUKOV (Игорь ЖУКОВ) ...Vitalik
Cinematography : Mikhail KRICHMAN (Михаил КРИЧМАН)
Production design : Sergey BRZHESTOVSKY (Сергей БРЖЕСТОВСКИЙ)
Music : Mishel ARBATZ (Мишель АРБАТЦ), Roshe HAVET (Рош АВЕ), Yuval MICENMASHER (Юваль МИСЕНМАШЕР)
Produced by : Catherine DUSART (Катрин ДЮССАРТ), Pavel LUNGIN (Павел ЛУНГИН), Olga VASILIEVA (Ольга ВАСИЛЬЕВА)
Release Date in Russia : 16/10/2005
format : 35 mm
Release date in France : 2006-01-25, Site

Awards :
First prize Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2005
Best Screenplay Pavel LUNGIN , Gennadi OSTROVSKY , Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2005
Best actor Konstantin KHABENSKY , Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2005
Special Jury prize Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2005
Best Screenplay Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2005
Best Actor in a Supporting Role Sergey GARMASH , Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2005
Prix du meilleur film, du meilleur scénario et du meilleur rôle masculin (Konstantin Khabenski) au Festival "Kinotavr", 2005
Bélier d'or de la meilleure réalisation, 2005
Bélier d'or du meilleur scénario, 2005

DVD with subtitles
Editor : M6 video

Plot synopsis
[...]As the Russian title (literally, “poor relatives”) of Lungin’s film suggests, the story concerns the encounters between poor and wealthy relatives. The film’s irony in part relies on the deconstruction of the term “poor relatives” with its loaded cultural meaning. Neither the new configuration of the relationship, nor the film’s humor exhibit any real depth. Traditionally, of course, the poor relatives journey to find their wealthy uncles and aunts, who would often take in their less fortunate kin as servants. The film treats this event in its more contemporary manifestation: wealthy and middle-class émigrés who have made it in the new lands (the Americas, Israel) return to the homeland, to the roots from which they were severed. The implicit motivation for their return is the search for spiritual nourishment, and so the émigrés sacrifice the material comforts of their villas and Western civilization to journey to their ancestral past, the timeless village of Golotvin. They believe that here they will be able to complete themselves by reconnecting with their heritage. All for the nominal fee of…[...]
Michelle Kuhn,

Pavel Lungin: Roots (Bednye rodstvenniki), 2005, Michelle KUHN,, 2006

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Russian Resurrection Film Festival, Different cities (Australia), 2019
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2012
- Les rencontres culturelles Russenko, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (France), 2012
- Rуtrospective Pavel Lungin at the Cinémathèque de Nice, Nice (France), 2010
- Festival des cultures juives, Paris (France), 2010
- Arras International Film Festival, Arras (France), 2009
- Sputnik nad Polska, Warsaw (Poland), 2009
- Russian Film Festival, Orléans (France), 2007
- Nantes Russian Film Festival, Nantes (France), 2006
- Release in France of the film, Different cities (France), 2006-01-25
- Strasbourg two weeks of Russian cinema, Strasbourg (France), 2006
- Days of Russian cinema in Valence, Valencia (France), 2006
- World Film Festival, Montreal (Canada), 2005
- Russian Film Week in Paris : Regards de Russie, Paris (France), 2005
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2005
- Festival Kinoblick, Stuttgart (Germany), 2005
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2005
- Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2005
- "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival ''A Window to Europe'', Vyborg (Russia), 2005
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2005
- Russian Film Week in New York, New York (USA), 2005
