Sergueï BODROV
Russia, 2007, 85mn 
Colour, documentary
Drunken Sailor
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Drunken Sailor


 Drunken Sailor

 Drunken Sailor

Directed by : Sergey BODROV (Сергей БОДРОВ)
Writing credits : Sergey BODROV (Сергей БОДРОВ)
Companies : Kinofabrika

Plot synopsis
Sergei Bodrov follows the 'Tiger Lilies' on a tour that takes them to 5 different countries, including Russia. We are given an insight into the band's impression of the country. The film indulges the controversial band in their love for visual tricks, leading to an artistic collaboration between filmmakers and music makers. The film takes an honest, non-sensationalist look at the on and off-scene work of the band, and is a celebration of the creation and appreciation of art.
Source :

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Russian Film Festival, London (United Kingdom), 2008