Aleksandr STOLPER
Александр СТОЛПЕР
Aleksandr STOLPER
USSR, 1957, 94mn 
Colour, fiction
Nepovtorimaya vesna
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Неповторимая весна


 The Incomparable Spring

 Un printemps inoubliable

Directed by : Aleksandr STOLPER (Александр СТОЛПЕР)
Companies : Mosfilm
Spectators : 24,1 millions of spectators
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
Anya and Zhenya got married and left for Central Asia to archeological digging site. Before departhure they met Anya’s father who divorced her mother 16 years ago. On arriving at work Zhenya had to deliver a plague infected driver to the hospital and got into an isolator. Both Anya and her father and mother worry about his life. Finally Zhenya is out of danger, Anya's father tries to make up with her mother, but the years spent apart made them strangers.
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