Vladimir NAUMOV
Владимир НАУМОВ
Vladimir NAOUMOV
USSR, 1989, 139mn 
Colour, fiction
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 La Loi

Directed by : Vladimir NAUMOV (Владимир НАУМОВ)
Writing credits : Vladimir NAUMOV (Владимир НАУМОВ)
Production design : Yevgeni CHERNYAYEV (Евгений ЧЕРНЯЕВ)
Produced by : Valery TODOROVSKY (Валерий ТОДОРОВСКИЙ)
Companies : Mosfilm, Soyouzkino, Goskino
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
A cinema-novel about the time when in the mid fifties a process to rehabilitate the victims of Stalin’s retaliatory policy started. Soon after Stalin’s death young investigator Lunin was sent form the province to Moscow to untwine complicated bundles of trumped-up charges. The KGB archive - giant shelves from the cellar to the bottom filled with folders. And every folder can say about a human tragedy.
Source : www.mosfilm.ru

«Смерть Сталина»: Еще 10 фильмов о кончине советского вождя [10 films du monde sur la mort de Staline], Максим СЕМЕНОВ, Kinopoisk, 2018

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Stalin in contemporary Russian cinema, kinoglaz.fr (France), 2023
