Russia, 2023, 400mn 
Kak ya poznakomilsia so svoey mamoy
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Как я познакомился со своей мамой


 How I met my mother

 Comment j'ai rencontré ma mère

Directed by : Atana AGRBA (Атана АГРБА)
Writing credits : Mariya ALEKSEEVA (Мария АЛЕКСЕЕВА)
Cinematography : Nikolay KORNIENKO (Николай КОРНИЕНКО), Maksim MURAN (Максим МУРАН)
Produced by : Sergey_2 BONDARCHUK (Сергей_2 БОНДАРЧУК), Aleksey KISELEV (Алексей КИСЕЛЕВ)
Companies : «Студия Видеопрокат», Wink Originals при поддержке Института развития интернета (АНО "ИРИ") / "Studio Vidéoprokat", Wink Originals avec le soutien de l'Institut pour le développement de l'Internet
Release Date in Russia : 24/10/2023

Plot synopsis
Masha receives an offer from her son, a producer, to make a film about lesser-known places in the Moscow region and its inhabitants. Accompanied by her co-host Sasha, she embarks on the designated route and uncovers the stories of remarkable individuals and locations. These inspiring characters motivate Masha, leading her to expand the project beyond a single movie. Contrary to her son’s initial plans, she continues her travels to more remote regions of Russia. Through these new encounters and characters, the hosts reflect on their childhood and how a person’s life path is shaped by the place of their upbringing.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Message to Man : International Short, Documentary and Animated Film Festival, St Petersburg (Russia), 2023