Konstantin KOLESOV
Константин КОЛЕСОВ
Konstantin KOLESSOV
Russia, 2022, 100mn 
Razvod. Film pervyy
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Развод. Фильм первый


 Divorce. Film One

 Divorce. Premier film

Directed by : Konstantin KOLESOV (Константин КОЛЕСОВ)
Writing credits : Anton KOSMIN (Антон КОСЬМИН)
Anna GLAYBE (Анна ГЛАУБЭ) ...Ilona
Anton SHURTSOV (Антон ШУРЦОВ) ...Vitya
Aleksey SIMONOV (Алексей СИМОНОВ)
Natalia SURKOVA (Наталья СУРКОВА)
Cinematography : Andrey LUNINSKY (Андрей ЛУНИНСКИЙ)
Music : Dmitry SELIPANOV (Дмитрий СЕЛИПАНОВ)
Produced by : Artur JANIBEKYAN (Артур ДЖАНИБЕКЯН)
Companies : Central Partnership
Film revenue in Russia : 0.277159 million dollars
Spectators : 58 000
Release Date in Russia : 30/06/2022

Plot synopsis
Vitya and Ilona notice only flaws in each other, constantly quarrel and end up divorcing ... From their once happy family, only an apartment, bought on a mortgage, remains, which is difficult to sell due to of redevelopment. In fact, frivolous Vitya and Ilona did not have time to really study each other: they got married almost immediately after meeting, then got an apartment, and now they don't know what to do. There is an apartment, there are no feelings ... it seems that the main plot is only what will happen first: the sale of a problem apartment, or the ex-spouses will finally end between four walls.
