USSR, 1933, 95mn 
Black and white, fiction
Velikiy uteshitel
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Великий утешитель


 The Great Consoler

 Le Grand Consolateur

Directed by : Lev KULESHOV (Лев КУЛЕШОВ)
Writing credits : Lev KULESHOV (Лев КУЛЕШОВ), Aleksandr KURS (Александр КУРС)
Mikhail DORONIN (Михаил ДОРОНИН)
Andrey FAIT (Андрей ФАЙТ) ...Ben Brans
Piotr GALADZHEV (Пётр ГАЛАДЖЕВ) ...Adams le banquier
Konstantin KHOKHLOV (Константин ХОХЛОВ) ...Bill Porter dit O’Henry
Aleksandra KHOKHLOVA (Александра ХОХЛОВА) ...Dulcie
Vasili KOVRIGIN (Василий КОВРИГИН) ...Le directeur de la prison
Ivan NOVOSELTSEV (Иван НОВОСЕЛЬЦЕВ) ...Jim Valentine
Veiland RODD (Вейланд РОДД) ...Le détenu noir
Daniil VVEDENSKY (Даниил ВВЕДЕНСКИЙ) ...Le surveillant
Cinematography : Konstantin KUZNETSOV (Константин КУЗНЕЦОВ)
Production design : Lev KULESHOV (Лев КУЛЕШОВ)
Music : Zinovi FELDMAN (Зиновий ФЕЛЬДМАН)
Sound : Leonid OBOLENSKY (Леонид ОБОЛЕНСКИЙ)
Companies : Mejrbpom-film
Release Date in Russia : 17/11/1933

DVD with subtitles
Editor : Ruscico (Hyperkino). 2010.
DVD Hyperkino
Disc 1 film with optional subtitles : EN FR AL ES PO
DVD available on the English site www.moviemail-online.co.uk

Plot synopsis
<...>The film takes place in America in 1899, and in its principal plot depicts Bill Porter, who is the great consoler of the title, in prison. His writing skills earn him privileges from the governor and he is spared the inhumane treatment meted out to other prisoners. Porter is very much aware of the brutality around him but, mindful of his better conditions, refuses to write about prison life. He prefers to console his less-well-treated friends, and indeed all his readers, with excessively romantic fantasies in which good invariably triumphs.<...>
Source : www.ce-review.org

Приход звука в Великий немой как тюремное заключение, или «звук веет, где хочет» [L'arrivée du son dans le Grand muet est comme un emprisonnement, ou bien "le son souffle où il veut"], Иван ДЕНИСОВ, Cinema Routine, 2023

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- The USSR of filmmakers at the Cinémathèque française. 1917-1945 : first and second part, Paris (France), 2017
- 'Il Cinema Ritrovato' Festival, Bologna (Italy), 2008
- Europalia Russia 2005, Brussels (Belgium), 2005