Vladimir SHREDEL
Владимир ШРЕДЕЛЬ
Vladimir CHREDEL
USSR, 1966, 83mn 
Black and white, fiction
Who Invened the Wheel ?
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Кто придумал колесо ?


 Qui a inventé la roue ?

 Kto pridumal koleso ?

Directed by : Vladimir SHREDEL (Владимир ШРЕДЕЛЬ)
Writing credits : Tengiz ABULADZE (Тенгиз АБУЛАДЗЕ)
Nikolay VOLKOV (Николай ВОЛКОВ)
Production : Lenfilm

Plot synopsis
Based on Viktor Krakovsky’s novel “Return to the Horizon”.
Seva Losev, a sixteen-year old youth, arrived from the Arctic to the mainland to his uncle to continue his education. As is turned out instead of going to college Seva had to go to work at a chemcal plant.
New life, first problems, first love... the boy is turning into an adult.