France, 2003, 87mn 
Colour, documentary
Moscow. The High House
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Московская высотка


 La Maison haute

 Moskovskaya vysotka

Directed by : Pavel LUNGIN (Павел ЛУНГИН)
Cinematography : Oleg DOBRONRAVOV (Олег ДОБРОНРАВОВ)
Sound : Vladimir SEMIONOV (Владимир СЕМЕНОВ)
Production : Roche productions, ARTE France, YLE (Finlande), ETV, MTV, ORF
Release date in Russia : 2004
Language russe
format : Video

Plot synopsis
The High House is one of the seven "Stalin skyscrapers" in Moscow.
We visit people who have lived there, see their flats (some modernized, others decaying), and listen to their histories: the son of a KGB man, a retired rocket scientist, a sculptor's son, an actor etc..

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Moscow, St-Petersburg : two faces of Russia, Paris (France), 2010
- Festival "Etonnants voyageurs" à Saint Malo, Saint Malo (France), 2010
- Pessac International History Film Festival, Pessac (France), 2009