Nikolay BUBNOV
Николай БУБНОВ
Russia, 2005, 13mn 
Colour, animation
Sherlok Holms et Doktor Vatson
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Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон


 Sherlock Holmes et Docteur Watson

 Sherlok Holms et Doktor Vatson

Directed by : Nikolay BUBNOV (Николай БУБНОВ)
Writing credits : Nikolay BUBNOV (Николай БУБНОВ)
Production design : Nikolay BUBNOV (Николай БУБНОВ), Zoya TROFIMOVA (Зоя ТРОФИМОВА)
Music : Yevgeni GALPERIN (Евгений ГАЛЬПЕРИН), Valentin VASENKOV (Валентин ВАСЕНКОВ)
Sound : Vladimir GOLOUNIN (Владимир ГОЛОУНИН)
Production : Fonds des programmes socio-culturels Goubernia

Awards :
Prix de la meilleure dramaturgie au 11e Festival russe de dessins animé à Souzdal (Russie) (2006)
3e prix au festival international du dessin animé de Saint-Pétersbourg (2006)

Plot synopsis
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson investigate the murder of Lord Waterbrook. During the investigation there are new versions
Source :

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- BCF. The Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2011
- Russian Film Festival, London (United Kingdom), 2009
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2007
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2006

Photos and videos