Aleksandr ROU
Александр РОУ
Aleksandr ROU
USSR, 1958, 83mn 
Novye pokhozhdeniya kota v sapogakh
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Новые похождения кота в сапогах


 Les Nouvelles aventures du chat botté

 Novye pokhozhdeniya kota v sapogakh

Directed by : Aleksandr ROU (Александр РОУ)
Production : Gorky Film Studio
Spectators : 15 millions of spectators
Release date in Russia : 27/05/1958
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
Girl Luba had a dream. She, the daughter of a chess king in a fairyland, became the victim of a cunning political conspiracy of two cards - the Peak Jack Krivello and the Cross Dame Dvuliche.

Commentaries and bibliography
Alexandre Rou : le conteur du cinéma soviétique, Mamaragan, L'Arène D'Airain, 2022