Editor : Potemkine. 2022. Titre : La Lettre inachevée.
Synopsis : Quatre géologues partent en expédition au coeur des forêts de Sibérie, à la recherche d'un gisement de diamants. Le petit groupe explore sans relâche terres et rivières. L'automne arrive et les vivres commencent à manquer, il leur faut rentrer. Mais au moment du retour, les éléments de déchaînent et ils doivent affronter les pires difficultés.
Contenu et bonus de la version restaurée 4K :
- Blu-ray du film
- Un livret avec compte-rendu d'observation, journal de tournage, souvenirs de David Vinitski (dir. artistique) (60 pages)
- Analyse du film par Eugénie Zvonkine, enseignant-chercheur en cinéma : La Lettre inachevée, un diamant noir : (25 mn)
Plot synopsis
Based on the story of the same name by V. Osipov.
After a long and hard work when the food stuffs were running out, the first autumn frosts came and there was no hope left, the diamonds were found and diamonds deposit was put on a map. The next morning there was a fire in taiga which cut the way to the boats with food and equipment. There were four of them but only one geologist forced his way through the fire to the frozen river. His half dead body with the diamonds deposit map was found by the rescue team. He gradually returned to life.
Source : www.mosfilm.ru